An Introduction

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As I said... a weird concept. So like a lot of people, I like the idea of having a diary, like a lot of people I give up after a couple of Days. So heads up, this won't be consistent. So like a lot of teenagers, I turned to the internet. Wattpad. 

So a little about me?

My Names Scout (not legally - but it's my preferred name, except only the school librarian uses it)

My pronouns are They/They - maybe He - maybe Xirs - not sure

I'm the Junior Current affairs and political correspondent at my school newspaper, and an aspiring journalist.  

Somehow both in top set and intervention for my dyslexia. 

Oh, and my girlfriend broke up with me yesterday. Not kidding. 

So yeah, a dyslexic journalist, and a openly LGTBQ+ person in a British Highschool. I mean I have short hair and everyone automatically assumes I'm trans (there not wrong though!)

So yeah  buckle up, because this is gonna be fun...

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