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The time is 17:49, i am omw to ballet, in the train. There are three stops until im at my stop.

I am listening to Wilbur Soot, the usual probably. This day has been fine so far. A bit long, since i had school from 08:15-15:20. Got tired. Had physics, wich did in fact not help. It was complicated, didnt understand that much.
We had something about mass and then planets, i didnt even get to presentate! And of course everyone talked, so we didnt have a chance of finishing early.

Anyway. I really hope that we have pointe training today at ballet. I am really looking forward to trying them out on the floor with the right clothes and stuff.

Im in the metro now, and this is my stop so i only have to walk for like, one minute, so thats great. That also means i cant write anymore tho. Ill do that when i finish ballet:))

I am back! I have just taken a nice bath, i really needed it. I was all sweaty and warm, it dosent feel nice. But i got the bath, went to bed, and now im sitting writing this. I will continue tommorrow.


lots of love

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