deja vu

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at the hospital.

"Amy sweetheart come sit down " said lou softly.

"Yeah you've gotta stop pacing you're making me dizzy " grumbled Tim.

"Sorry I  just can't sit still " said Amy.

" clearly"  said Tim more nauseous than annoyed.

"What if she's not okay?"  Amy worried out loud .

"She'll be fine she has to be " said Katie .

"I hope You're right Katie " said Amy.

Just then the doctor walked up.

"Are you lyndy borden's family?" He Asked.

"Yes sir " said Jack.

I'm dr Vernon " said the doctor shaking Jack's hand .

" how's  lyndy?" Asked Amy eagerly.

"Unfortunately lyndy's eyes aren't responding to light the way they should be " dr. Vernon informed them.

The whole family knew exactly what that meant they had been given the same speech in regards to Amy 8 years prior.

Amy immediately burst into tears.

" Can we see her?" Asked Amy her voice cracking slightly.

" of course stay as long as you need" said dr. Vernon.

" will deja vu" said lou be following Amy.

Hey guys as you can tell  ive decided to continue this story comment your predictions.

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