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The warm and familiar castle is no longer around me. Instead, I am surrounded by a beautiful garden. Trees with leaves the color of emeralds hang over a cobblestone path that winds its way down to a shimmering lake of sapphire blue. In the middle of the lake is an island, a low, golden brick wall creating a ring around the banks.

My sisters are staring around them in wonder. Especially Christine, as she is the youngest at only 6 years old. Everything about this place is magical. Not only does it feel magical, it looks magical. I have never been one to believe in magic, but after what has happened, I feel quite like a believer.

"Oh, Terezia! Look! A swan!" my younger sister, Juliet, squeals, pointing at a beautiful white swan gliding gracefully across the sapphire blue lake. 

I laugh and squeeze her hand. This is such a beautiful place! Happiness floods my senses until I look at Lizzy. Her jaw is set and her eyes are blazing. What ever could be wrong with my eldest sister?

"Sisters, come. We have to go to the island. That is the only place these princes can be." Lizzy says wearily. 

My heart sinks. Right, the princes. We have to dance with these princes all night long. Lovely. Just lovely. 

I follow my sisters as they hurry down to the shimmering lake. An elegant boat large enough for all 12 of us and probably 12 more sits bobbing gently in the crystal clear water.  Lizzy leads the way onto the boat. Once the last sister, Belle, is on the boat, we move forward. The sudden movement jolts me and I stumble onto Hadley.

"Sorry, Hadley," I grumble, annoyed with myself.

Hadley gives me a sympathetic smile before turning to look across the water. I sigh and lower my eyes to the floor of the boat. Different emotions course through me. Anger, fear, sadness, excitement. What could await us at the island?

My question is answered quickly, as the boat soon comes to a stop on the shore of the island. Lizzy walks gracefully off the vessel. My other sisters follow suit. I watch as Belle gently carries Christine to land. Beautiful Belle. Beautiful, sad, lonely Belle. Everything about her radiates sadness; her lilting walk, her serene smile, her fluid movements. She may be sad, but she carries a sense of hope within her that draws a smile from all who are near her.

"Terezia, are you coming?" Isadora holds out a hand to help me from the boat. I grab her hand and step from the still vessel. Isadora drops my hand and moves away, farther into the island.

As I wander, I discover the island is much bigger than it appears. It feels like a whole kingdom! Juliet moves to my side and loops her arm around mine.

"Isn't it just so beautiful, Ter? I could live here forever!" Juliet giggles, flashing her brilliant gold eyes at me.

"I could too, if only Father and Mother could be here as well." I reply.

Juliet silences as tears form in her eyes. I feel the same sort of sadness. Mother can never come here, not ever. I'll never be able to see her again, never hug her again, hear her voice again, see her laughing blue eyes. I miss my mother. I close my eyes as a single tear traces its way down my face.

I take a deep breath and banish the tears. I will have plenty of time to cry later; for now, I must focus on finding the princes. I open my eyes and start walking once more, determination ringing from each footstep.

"Sisters, come quick! Alexis and I found something!" Isadora's wind-like voice floats through the air. I share a glance with Juliet and together we hurry towards Isadora and Alexis.

We reach them first. Our other sisters come in pairs; Lizzy with Hadley, Belle with Christine, Genevieve with Sarah, Evangeline with Kenzie.

"What is it, Alexis?" Lizzy asks, a gentle smile gracing her lips.

Alexis only points. I follow the direction her finger is pointing until my gaze rests on a magnificent castle. My jaw drops. It is more beautiful than our own wonderful palace. It is twice as big, which is no small feat. My home is the largest place I have ever seen, until now.

There are at least five towers, and more than two hundred windows. Walls made of gold stone surround the castle. Trees jut from above the walls. Vines climb up the barriers. A large silver gate is the only entrance to the grand structure.

"Lizzy, how ever are we going to get in? This is obviously where the princes are." Evangeline asks, turning to the eldest.

"It quite simple, Evangeline." Lizzy strides up to the gate, her silk nightgown swishing around her ankles. Lizzy looks at it momentarily before pushing on the silver bars. The gate glides open and Lizzy looks at it with satisfaction.

"There. Now, come." Lizzy walks through the open gate confidentially.

"Wait! Lizzy, I can't meet a prince wearing my nightgown!" Alexis cries. I hold back a laugh.

"Alexis, I don't think you have to worry about that," Genevieve whispers.

We all turn to look at Genevieve. She's staring at her gown, a beautiful green thing that compliments her perfectly. I know for a fact she doesn't have a gown that color or style. Alexis looks at Genevieve for a swift moment before looking at her own dress.

Hers too has transformed.  All of ours have. And not only the dresses. Our hairstyles have changed, which is a good thing considering we were asleep only a short time ago. We've become princesses, in the truest sense of the word, the type of princess one thinks of.

Lizzy flashes a smile at all of us as she walks towards the castle. "Come, dear sisters. We have princes to meet and dances to dance. We mustn't keep the night waiting."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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