The decision

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   8 months pregnant(1 month later)

         ALANA POV.


Lang: Can i stay ova so we can start planning the baby shower

Alana:I don't kno lang

Lang: Look ill sleep on the couch but we still gotta finish alot a stuff for the baby and you dont need to be up no way your 8 months pregnant lana please

Alana: Okay okay yes

Lang: I'll be there in 20 by


    This month has been hard. Having to get everything on my own curling up with body pillows and shit. He knocked on the door so i went down the stairs to open it

Lang: Hey

Alana: Hey

     He took his bag upstairs to  MY room and came back down and pulled me in a hug. But then the baby started kickin and he felt it

Lang: Hey to you too*lifted my shirt and kissed my stomach*

     She stopped kickin and started just like moving my belly was lopsided. Lang just starred at my stomach

Lang: Look at your belly button

Alana: Nigga shut up

Lang: Why is there a line going threw it

Alana: Cause my stomach had to stretch cause of yo big headed daughter its all your fault

Lang: It takes to two make a baby lana remember

Alana: Lang i kno but you wanna do me a really big favor

Lang: What

Alana: I want some cheesecake ice cream and 3 Pickles together

Lang: Ewww wtf

Alana: Please papa *pokin out bottom lip*

Lang: Okay

         LANGSTON POV.

After i made her ice cream creation  she sat down in the bar chair and started eatin

Alana: So we need ballons , a cake , baby games mamma  said we can have it in her backyard

Lang: Okay we going to walmart or party city

Alana: I think we should get the cake from walmart but the decorations from party city

Lang: Okay the theme is Minnie mouse right

Alana: Yep yep

Lang: Okay

Alana: Theres so mu*gco* ahhhh shit mari stop kickin me

Lang: What

Alana: Amari just kicked the hell outta me...... she only kicks when your around or im talkin about you or when your music comes on

Lang: She dont move for you and you be talkin about me

Alana: Yea sometimes but i think she gonna be a daddy's girl tho

Lang: Prolly are you nervous

Alana: Hell yea nigga the baby is coming out of me not you all you had to do was stick it in I have to push it out

Lang: O

Alana: Yep but we need to get going so come on*holdin out arms*

Lang: What

Alana: Carry me :'(  pweazze

Lang: come on

            ALANA POV.

 He picked me  up and took me  to the car and we started driving to party city when we got there he put me in a buggie and was rolling me around the store. Everyone was looking at us like we was stupid but some people said aww. He was zooming down the ale

Alana: Lang stop your going to fast*giggling*

Lang: You dont trust me bab

Alana: I do its ju*gco* STOP

     He jerked the buggie backwards from pushing it full speed down the ale

Lang: Okay relax relax

Alana: Ooo get that one

Lang: Which one

Alana: The one that say Minnie on it duhh nigga

Lang: Hush mama

Alana: No papa

Stranger: How many months are you

Alana: 8

Stranger: Is it a boy or girl

Alana: Its a girl

Stranger: Aww well wish you too the best of luck

Alana/lang: Thank you

     We got the supplies and went home it was 11:30 when we got there

Lang: Goodnight*kisses stomach*

Alana: Well damn i dont get one

Lang: Nope*pops the p**walks down the stairs*

Alana: Fudge you too

     I climbed into bed huggin my pillow tryin to fall asleep. Damn i really missed Lang he just makes everything better and we have way to much fun doing little stuff. After about a hour of tryin to doze off i realized Wait lang here he can replace the pillow. I tipped toed down the stairs and looked at him he was sleep. So I creeped ova to the otha side of the couch and lifted up his arm got where it was then put it over me , snuggling into him

Lang: What is it* sleepy voice*

Alana: I just couldn't sleep

Lang: Oh Goodnight love you

Alana: Goodnight love you too

    He wrapped one arm around me tightly and rested the other on my belly rubbin it. I reached up and kissed his forehead then snuggled back into him and drifted off to sleep. In his arms where i should have been all this time



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