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I walked down the ale with Amari trailing behind me. The bride music with Langston smiling at me. I couldn't help but smile back as a couple of happy tears fell from my eyes. After mothers day we got back together and he put a ring on it boo.

Pastor: Dearly beloved we are gathered here today by the joining of Langston Higgins and Alana Martines. We will now say vows

Langston: Alana ever since you told me I was ugly in high school I knew I had to have you........Your beautiful smart and you got your own.....You are the one who I want to be with for the rest of my life you gave me everything and anything I need or ask for in the world and vise versa. I love you a really do cause without your love I would have no purpose Really........................................................................

The end of Really a Langston Love story I'm officially done with my rangers stories but I still will do ranger imagines. Well check out my other stories until next time bye people

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