33) Under Attack- Again

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My head's pounding when I wake up, my chest aching, my arms sore. And I don't even know where we are, I just know that it's some sort of vehicle. The first thing I do is feel over my stomach, where the folder should be safely tucked away under my tight shirt... Yup, still there. At least something remained. The next thing I do is freak out, sitting up quickly.

"Vincent!" I yelp when the pain in my chest stings and clutch the place where Rosso practically turned me into a pumpkin ready for Halloween carving.

"Careful!" I look up quickly at the sound of a cheerful voice. "You guys got really hurt!" I look over to see Vincnet just opening his eyes. "Morning!"

"Where..." His head turns to look at the raggedy white figure. "Who are you?" Couldn't you tell by the voice? The person stands.

"Well, I'm glad you asked." I roll my eyes. Here we go. "I am the champion of the earth and of the sky. I am the conquerer of evil. The single white rose of Wutai!" Dramatically, the disguise flaps away and that lovely ninja princess I hate appears. "Yuffie Kisaragi!" She twirls dramatically. "Feast your eyes on... Whoa!" She falls back and hits her head on the hard metal of the wall. "Ow!" She whines like a toddler. I roll my eyes and resist the urge to repeatedly smack my head against something hard. Vincent sighs and looks up at the ceiling.

"So, where are we?" Yuffie huffs.

"Cmon, aren't you guys just the least bit concerned!?"

"Well Yuffie," Vincent starts over, just to make the brat happy. Wish he'd do that for me. "It's been awhile. How's your head?" I fight the urge to smile at his bored voice, still as gentle as ever when talking to a child. Yes, I consider this idiot a child still. Being nineteen makes no difference.

"You... Could you at least pretend to be sympathetic?" I huff and bang the back of my head against the wall in frustration.

"No one cares, Yuffie. You got knocked on the head. I got surgery from a crazy woman. Vincent got his butt whooped. Big deal." Vincent rolls his eyes and starts to sit up, wincing when the pain finally gets to him. Yuffie jumps out of her seat.

"Hey! Take it easy! That was a big hole you had in your chest!"

"A hole in my chest?" He frowns. I sigh.

"You don't remember?" He shakes his head. "Rosso ripped some funky glowing materia stuff out of our bodies. It hurt a whole freaking lot especially when that wacko decided she was gonna try to cut my head off."

"I seriously thought you guys were both goners, but then the wounds healed themselves right back up! Violet's was way bigger too, because she was running at Rosso or something." Crimson eyes give me a look and I scoff.

"I thought you were a goner too, okay? Don't bother me."

"Yuffie, what're you doing here?" Vincent finally asks.

"Me? I'm just helping out Reeve and his gang. I was poking around Nibelheim and I found you guys looking all corpse like in the Shinra manor. So I saved you! Imagine that, me, saving the two great Jenova War heroes Vincent Valentine and Violet Crescent! Do I get any thanks?"

"Thank you," I mutter, wanting badly to pull the folder out and read it, and not because I probably have a million paper cuts by now.

"Thanks, Yuffie." She shakes her head.

"No no, whoa. I didn't mean for you guys to take me so seriously."

"I didn't," I grumble to myself.

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