Memorable Mountain Meeting

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~ Violet ~
As the land of Sinnoh finally came into the view of the aeroplane window, I widened my eyes at the stunning scenery laid before me. Rolling mountains, cities lit up by thousands of lights and people occasionally stopping to chat with each other at cafés. My breath fogged up the panel, and I traced the pattern of the tiny ants scurrying into their homes as the snow delicately fell down. The flakes came down slowly, each pattern different from the other, making contact with the hard concrete before melting into a pool of water. Everyone around me started to gasp in surprise, in awe and in excitement - girls squealed while boys high-fived each other. I felt the wheels finally touch the smooth surface of the water , and with a final sudden stop that caused me to lurch forward, the plane mobilised and the engine noise slowly faded into the distance.

I unconsciously clutched my backpack tightly, ensuring that my Pokemon wasn't already stolen. I could feel the PokeBall shake, and I knew that he were eager to explore the land. Grinning slightly, I lightly stepped over the man sleeping beside me, and ran off down the aisle. Swiftly dodging the standing passengers, I made my way off the plane and sighed in relief as fresh clean air welcomed me.

I cautiously looked around, scanning my surroundings for any mysterious looking passengers. But to my dismay, everyone was talking cheerfully with no hint of suspicion, so I headed off to a Pokemon Centre. The bright orange roof gleamed in the pale white weather. I smiled in satisfaction at the sound of snow crunching under my boots, and the noise of ripples in the small puddles that young children found absolute delight in.

"Welcome to the Pokemon Centre. Would you like me to heal your pokemon?" A kind lady asked. Nodding, I handed her a Pokeball. Her grin lit up, but I narrowed my eyes. It didn't resemble a smile, but more a smirk. As she walked away, i couldn't help but feel a dark energy in the room. Nurse Joy usually had fair pink hair, however this receptionist had bright pink hair, that seemed to curl at the end. She was accompanied by an Arbok and a Wobbufet , instead of an Audino. I kept my eyes on the lady, and stealthily followed her as she stepped into a dark room.

"Good job. We've managed to collect many Pokèmon and no one suspects a thing!" The lady cried out. Cackles echoed throughout the room and two shadows started to creep into the dimly lit room. I backed away, but unfortunately I tripped over a rock. They quickly shrunk back into the shadows, clearly aware of my presence. Quickly regaining my balance, I grabbed my Pokeball that was in the lady's hand and ran off. Hearing their protests, I threw the Pokeball towards them, shouting a command.

"Aura Sphere!" As their yelling and screaming faded into the distance, I called my partner back to their Pokeball and retreated. Only until I reached a track that seemed to lead up to a mountain did I stop to catch my breath. I heard myself gasping for air, and the sweat trickled down my face. Flicking off the droplets with my wrist, I leaned against a tree trunk. The birds chirped their melodic tunes while the animals frolicked in the grass.

~ Blue ~
"Huh..." I mumbled under my breath. Glancing up towards the humongous mountain that towered above me, I entered the dark cave, knowing that wild Pokémon were watching me with weary eyes, waiting for the right time to attack me while I was off guard. Calling my Pokémon out, Wartortle declared its presence with a roar so loud I felt the walls shake.

"Water Gun..." I murmured quietly. Wartortle listened obediently, aiming for the darkness. The shrieks of surprised Pokémon echoed throughout the cave, and a whole horde of Zubats suddenly came flying towards me. Not making any sign of movement, i walked deeper through the endless black, and finally made my way up until I saw a opening of light in front of me. Heading towards it, I blinked in the sudden light and shielded my eyes. I heard footsteps coming towards me, and I followed my immediate instinct. Hiding behind a large rock, I widened my eyes at the sight of a young boy, around my age, with his head low so that his red hair covered his eyes. I considered returning to the entrance when the boy suddenly turned towards me.

"I know you're there. Come out." He said boldly.

I turned around to see a Sneasel, ready to attack me. I smirked and stepped out, my hands raised to show that I had surrended. Wartortle roared at Sneasel, who refused to leave my side and continued to threaten me with its sharp claws that had positioned them-self at my neck.

It was Mt Silver, the place I visited so that I could test my own skill in battling. However, here I was disturbed by this trainer who refused to do anything except stare at me coldly.

"Who are you?" He asked quietly.

"My name is Blue." I replied nonchantly. "You don't seem to be from the Kanto region. Perhaps Johto?"

He didn't reply, but lowered his head even lower.

"I'm assuming I'm correct." I said, taking the opportunity to escape the dangerous situation I was in. "I'm here to train my Pokémon. You have the same goal right?"

"I'm here to get stronger. Strong enough to beat Team Rocket..." He muttered. My eyes widened.

"Well then, why don't we train together? I'm trying to stop that organisation myself." I offered. Our eyes locked for a second before he glanced away.

"I'm perfectly fine by myself..." He mumbled under his breath.

As soon as he said those words, I felt my PokeGear vibrate inside my pocket.

"Hello?" I asked hesitantly.

"Blue! I have urgent news and it cannot wait!"

I rolled my eyes. "Grandpa, why do you sound so surprised about the current event that you are going to tell me?"

"Team Rocket has headed towards Sinnoh Region!"

1026 words for my first chapter! Aha!

Thanks so much for reading this book and I hope you enjoy reading this story!

I have to thank my friend Lava98 for giving me ideas to write the story so everyone follow the account if you want to read fantastic stories about Pokémon!

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