Joining Forces Reluctantly

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~ Blue ~
"Team Rocket?" I questioned, rising my eyebrows in surprise. As the words echoed throughout the silent and eerie air, the red-haired slowly turned towards me. His eyes narrowed and without a word, called out his Crobat. I ended the call with new information and called out without turning my head around.

"You really think you can beat Team Rocket by yourself?" I smirked, hearing his footsteps stop. "Why don't we team up?"

He stayed silent, and didn't respond.

I laughed. "Guess I won't tell you where they are now...I'll take them down myself then."

"Only this one time. After the organisation disbands, I'll leave. No becoming friends or protecting each other from danger. I'm only helping you to quickly get rid of them once and for all." He answered quickly and coldly, glaring at me.

"Well, you agreed quickly."

"It doesn't matter. Where are they now?"

"Tell me your name first."


"Name. I won't work with you unless I know you."

"....... Silver."

"Okay then, Silver. We're heading to Jubilife City in the Sinnoh Region."

~ Violet ~
I had intended to head to the top of the mountain and enjoy the scenery that would be laid before me, but as a piercing scream sliced the silent air, I immediately knew something was wrong. It wasn't a yell of laughter, but a shout for help. Another shriek echoed throughout the air, but as soon as it happened, it ended just as quickly. Calling out my partner, I raced back to the city. My Pokémon - bipedal, canine-like with fur that is predominantly blue and black. Short, round spike on the back of each forepaw, in addition to a third on its chest. When he opened his mouth, it's two pairs of pointed teeth, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower, were visible to the eyes. The cream-colored fur on its torso, and blue fur on its thighs that resembles shorts were the main features of my Pokémon. It had a medium length tail of the same blue color as well. It stood on its toes rather than on its entire foot. It's developed four small black appendages on its head were raised, and I stood still as he tried to sense any aura.

"Anything?" I whispered quietly.

"The Trainer School has three faint auras coming from inside. I suggest that you go explore the building." Lucario said. It was a secret, a strange part of me that could understand Pokémon talking. Their feelings, emotions and words could be heard by me, and I was often over protected.

Arriving at the school took quite a while, considering the fact that there were many people surrounding the area. Even as a dark atmosphere rested upon, the sun refused to hide behind dark clouds. I shielded my eyes from the light and made my way towards Officer Jenny.

"Excuse me, what is happening?" I asked frantically, fearing the worst.

"Team Rocket has infiltrated the school! Having taken a young girl as a hostage, they demand all our PokéBalls in exchange for the freedom of the student!" She cried.

I bit my lip hard until I could taste blood. I had heard of the organisation, and my blood had always raced faster with just the thought of them. I considered my options that I had in order to save the little girl, and shook my head as I realised that I had only one option.

To battle Team Rocket.

It was horrifying to think about it, a complete disaster. But what choice did I have?

"I'm going in." I stated, attempting to sound strong but I could hear my own voice wobble at the end. Officer Jenny stared at me with a shocked expression. I clasped my hands together in a final attempt to persuade her, and she finally gave in. I took a deep breath and stepped through the doors. It collided behind me, crashing into each other with such force it frightened me greatly. My breathing became harsh, and I felt fear race through my veins.

"I have to be strong..." I muttered. Lucario followed me, scanning the area for any strong auras. As I heard his footsteps slowly stop, I turned around. "Lucario!" I screamed in horror as I watched him get hit by poison sting.

Laughter echoed throughout the room, and I gritted my teeth as the voices mocked me.

"You think you can beat us?"

"Realise what reality is kid. You can't defeat us."

I slowly sank to the floor onto my knees. My eyes widened and my breathing became harsh. "That's can I beat you?" I mumbled.

Two shadow moved into the light, revealing their smirking faces.

"And that's why you never let your guard down!" I smiled, grinning as Arbok got hit by an aura sphere. "Go Lucario! Bone Rush!"

The battle quickly ended, leaving the two troublemakers stunned. I was about to celebrate when I felt something sharp touch my back.

"Careful Arbok, she'll make a fine trade." The man said, strutting towards me. Arbok hissed, pointing his tail.

"What do you mean?" I asked, as the snake-like Pokémon positioned itself around my chest, squeezing ever so tightly with every passing second.

The man tilted his head towards me, revealing his face. I made a mental note to remember his blue hair.

"We are going to do a trade. Instead of this pathetic squeakling..." He said, roughly throwing the young girl near me. Leaning his face closer to mine, he whispered into my ear.

"You will be our new hostage."

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