the beginning

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i've liked many boys before, but when i saw him, i knew it was something different. it was, unusual. i got so nervous when i was around him, i got butterflies every time i looked at him, he was perfect. the way his hair shone in the sunlight, the way he laughed, the way he dressed, the way his blazer was always a bit messy, the way his hair was always messy, he didn't make it perfect, but he didn't know to me it was, but the the way his eyes lit up, made me fall in love with him more, every single time. i adored everything about him, from the top of his gorgeous hair to his polished shoes, the silly boy didn't even know how to do his laces, but he would laugh it off, and every time i heard that laugh, i beamed under my mask, simply because he had that effect, he was just perfect. to me, anyways. but the problem was, he didn't know me, or at least i didn't think so. he didn't talk to me, but i would catch him glancing at me, smiling at me, the occasional smirk. i didn't like him, or not at the time i first met him. i was surprised, and proud of myself, but after a couple days, done with fighting my constant feelings for him, i gave in. i knew i was in love with him. they say it takes 4 months to fall in love, but it took me 4 days. 4 days. i knew i found THE ONE. i would look at him at lunch and break, unfocused on anything but him. he was perfect. i would chant his name when i needed luck. i knew he was everything i wanted and more, but i didn't actually think i would find someone like him, and when i did, i wasn't willing to give up on him, never. not until i met dora.

priyam and i's journey: a journey that wasn't supposed to endWhere stories live. Discover now