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funny thing is, i never knew how funny dora was, how kind he was, how generous. everyone liked him for his looks, i love him for him. his personality. and maybe that's why he fell for me. i felt a connection with him, and before you all get mad at me, priyam cheated on me. with my PE teacher. you don't even understand how heartbroken i was. my world was shattered, the perfect image with a broken frame. i knew it was time to move on, after countless hours crying in my room, listening to sour, i knew he didn't deserve me. i had always felt something for dora, love or hatred i don't know, but a feeling was there. i confessed my love in a poem, and he said 'i love you too. will you marry me?' 

no joke, he proposed right there and then. i cried out of happiness and said yes. i was finally marrying the boy of my dreams, and i know he was loyal, but there was one problem. dora was my best friends ex, and she was now dating priyam, the love of my life, PRIYAM. yes, i am engaged to dora but priyam was my first true love, i wanted to run away romantically with him, but our journey is finished. it was the hardest road i had to cross, the most traffic was going through it, but i was always holding his hand through it. little did i know i was going to cross it without him. my best friend, aathmikha, was dating priyam. or should i say, ex best friend.

you don't understand how angry i was, but i decided to let it go, i needed to move on from priyam. we don't talk anymore, she is still in love with dora, unfortunately she can't move on, she decided to date priyam in a vengeful way, to spite at me. maybe because she's jealous i have clear skin and she doesn't.

whatever the reason, my soul shattered when priyam left me, but dora put it back together, stronger than before, and that's the reason i love him. i'm going to live a happy life with dora, no matter what anyone else says.

priyam and i's journey: a journey that wasn't supposed to endWhere stories live. Discover now