November 19th 2021

3 0 0

Hi, I'll get straight to it so I was in tec today and so random as dick head let's call him zain ( cause I don't want people to know this is me so I'll use a fake name that starts with the first letter of there name) decides hahha I'm fucking horny and starts fucking airing it I hear noises and I look over and I see him with his hands on his dick...I ignore it cause all to there own ig.... Until I hear more noises and my teacher goes zain stop make dumb ass noises and I look over and he has his crusty hands down his pants, so I just shout he has his hands down his pants and he is making wierd af noises cause I ain't gonna just sit there with some nonce next to me wanking off, he stops cause everyone is shouting and laughing at him, I think ye that will teach him not to wank off with in 30m off me.
And that's all over and I go to maths and we r having a career fair and basically collages and stuff were coming round to our school and I'm like yes free stuff even tho I have to go through several social anxiety moments to get that free stuff anyway I get on the bus and I got two pens And a bottle opener so I'm pretty happy until I see the year fucking eights rights have handsanatize, highlighters and a bunch more shit than I got and my friend got a fucking pop socket from a collage.... I'm jealous like I'm year 9 I'm choosing ma GCSEs u should be sucking up to me not the year eights btw I'm ligit in top sets but not a sweat lmao... so I'm annoyed at that but it's fine cause I'm sleeping at my friends tonight she is called pipa (she's not but her name starts W p) she is with me while I write this so shout out to her ig,  anyways byyeeeeeee.

Ohhhh wait... So I should probably get u up to speed so I have three friend pipa, Tanya, Indiog not ther real name ofc and im
Izzy that's my real name..... I use to have five but one left me there bunch off chavs that she isn't even friends with anymore, and the other has just stopped talking to use cause she did somet really bad and the whole school was mad  at her but we forgave her and then she had the fuckin audacity to get back with her ex a day after breaking up with mine and pipa's best friend that doesn't go to our school and then even tho we astablished her ex gf was a bitch cause she told her not to be friends W us but now she has left us and is only talking to her other friends and her gf raya. So I'll call my first ex friend Emily (cause who likes Emily's) and the second (the worst) I will call grunby Greta cause she is gruby and minging.

Ok attualy bye now.

O wait.

Haha tricked u byeeee

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