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it was a chilly night. a slight breeze. you went out with your family to the park for a picnic. you would do this from time to time so all of us could spend time together. it was becoming an annual thing for our family. as the day progressed it got colder, accepting the defeat the family packed their things and left.

in a blink of an eye, everything changed. you could hear the sound of metal crushing against each other. you looked at the front of the car for your parents.
"mom...dad?" you croaked.

in sweat, you woke up from the horrible nightmare. it had become a reoccurring dream since it happened. your parents died that night. you survived, along with my brother.
we had bad injuries but we were lucky enough to survive. unlike our parents.

you wiped your forehead, taking a deep breath looking around my room.
"oh, cmon y/n.." you breathed.
no matter how often you had these dreams they still frightened you. it was just a constant reminder that your parents were gone.
now, you were pushing the blankets off your legs getting out of the bed.

sure, your family was higher class. it was obvious too since our father had a good occupation. yet, you still hated the constant rival between the socs and greasers.
sure, class differed them. but, they weren't very different.
most socs went out looking for trouble. the greasers did the same. they had a lot in common.

now out of bed, you opened your bedroom door peaking out to see if any lights were on. usually, your brother would stay up late sometimes. plus you hated confrontation.
he had become different since your parents passing, more protective you would guess.

you haven't been able to hang out with friends anymore, it was always school then straight home. of course, you understood his concern but still, you wanted a life outside of school.
it was so frustrating, hearing stories of your friends going to the dx to hang out, or to the drive-in.
you were envious.
your life changed in a matter of minutes.

now stepping out of your room, tiptoeing down the stairs into the kitchen. quietly, you grabbed a cup from the cabinet above and turned on the faucet. getting water from there.
taking a few sips, your mouth was dry from breathing so hard. surely it wasn't very late so you quickly went back to bed. quietly.


morning came quickly, as usual, another day of little to no sleep.
your brother came in knocking announcing that breakfast was ready.
with a groan, you turned over
mornings were not your favorite. probably because of your lack of sleep but it was hard some nights to go back to sleep after the dream. sometimes you'd wonder if they will ever fade away.

you yet again got out of her bed, fixing it as you did. habit.
sighing as you did so. usually, you would have clothes for school out and ready but today, you didn't.
rummaging in your closet for a few minutes before settling on a baby yellow blouse and a blue skirt. you had worn it recently but you were lazy.

you could smell the pancakes being made downstairs. burnt of course. your brother didn't know how to cook very well.
that was your brother. good friends with bob and his gang. you knew sherri...well most people called her cherry. you two were on the same cheerleading team. plus, she was bobs girlfriend.

you heard about the incident between cherry and dallas...well, dally. dallas winston.
the perfect word to describe him. he was infamous for his crimes upstate and here. he was locked up for a bit but he must've been released if he was out around cherry.
you had always wondered about guys like him. how did they end up like that?
"you burnt the pancakes again" you huffed, taking the plate that was being offered by her brother.

"then don't eat it"

rolling your eyes, you nibbled on the food then quit. putting the food in the trash and going back upstairs to gather your things.

you arrived at school with matthew, he dropped you off wt the main entrance while he went to the park.
quickly being distracted you walked over to your friends who seem to be gossiping.
"what is everyone talking about?" you asked cherry.
"didn't you hear, y/n?" the redhead questioned.
you shook her head.
"there's a new stude-"
she was cut off by a male voice.

"hey, redhead!" someone hollered.
the two of you whipped your heads around knowing he was yelling for cherry.
"well-" he paused, eyes wandering to you.
"who's the broad?" he smirked.

dallas winston.


my apologies if this wasn't to your expectations. usually, a starter is hard to get out.
if you guys see anything that i could work on please let me know. sorry for this being short. i will try to write more in future chapters.
with holidays right around the corner, this might interfere with my writing.
thank you for reading. xx

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