Chapter 1

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"if that's true, then how do you know if I'm even real?" the darkness crept in more, making [REDACTED] feel claustrophobic. "w-what do you-"

And then he woke up.

January 25, 2065.

Wilbur Lyekonav

"Wilbur! Oh my god!" Lily shouted, falling back into the office chair beside them, their shoulder-length platinum-blonde hair falling like a curtain around their face. "afh yruj neh?" I stuttered, that oh-god-where-the-hell-am-I feeling an ice-cold shock in my veins. "Jesus Christ, you idiot! You nearly died!" they said, holding their head in their hands, their elbows on their knees. "I did?" I tried to sit up, but the wires attached to me wouldn't allow it. "yes, and that bomb destroyed 3301. So now we have nowhere to go. And with your hospital bills, we're going to be on the streets for weeks!" Lily said, exasperation seeping into the cracks of their tone. "I got six thousand Kilana's from a lottery ticket, if it helps" I looked up, seeing the agitated look on Lily's face. "and thanks to you, Cobalt's in the ICU. Thanks a lot, stupid." They added , grabbing a cheap pen and notebook, scribbling down a few notes on it. "oh no" I said flatly. Watching as Lily looked up at me. "yes, oh. Now, we have things to discuss."

"oh? Like what?" I asked, unable to keep my curiosity at bay. "well, first things first, we have multiple problems. One of which being the Kayleans have gotten the code cracked to making more fighters. They have made a gas called nuroreset, which as the name says, recodes the brain to think their code of ethics, which is to fight and if they die they die. They are only fighting xelonians, so that's not good. AND another few less important bases have been found and the members killed. We are in for a long ride, Wilbur." Lily said, only pausing for air once. "ok. Now that our main base is gone, we need to relocate. Was anyone else injured?" I asked, finessing my way into a sitting position. "yes. Etho and Lilith. They are fine, though. But Dawn was murdered"

"of course she was killed. The only one of our spies who is able to travel freely between the Xelona and Kaylea." I said, anger clear in my tone. "yeah. She was a target. But now, we need to figure out who killed her."

☆*: .。. .。.:*☆

Three months later

"you good?" I asked Lily. The bags under their eyes had gotten darker, and their cheeks sunken. So, they basically looked like they hadn't slept in days, which was probably the case, since time was running out. Their suit was still immaculate, so at least that hadn't changed. "yep. Any new evidence?" they asked, taking a large swig of tea. "no, any new leads?" I threw my keys onto the table. Watching them skid to a stop. "yes, we have Myra Covette. her fingerprints were found on the gun used to shoot Dawn. Lives in the north county of Kaylea, 18, and a registered spy for Paradise Hell." They pointed to the screen. Myra's photo, age, and address on the screen. Lily finished. "alright then. Now to track her down"

☆*: .。. .。.:*☆

"There she is!" Lily yelled down the street, a black mass catching my eye. 'oh we got you now' I thought, running full speed down the alley way, seeing the mass skid to a quick stop, realizing she was trapped. Quickly turning around, only to be met with me, [authors note, I was 2 inches away from putting, and I quote, "a 6'5 lanky boi booking it toward her." As the next line, but I didn't... I don't know if that was a good choice or not, lol] flashlight in hand, and Lily behind me. I jump tackled her, her angry shout filling the air as I flipped her onto her stomach, pinning her down and handcuffing her with [stolen] handcuffs. "let me go you little-" I clapped a hand over her mouth, quieting her until she bit me. She BIT me. "ow!" followed by a string of curses. "alright, get her to her feet. We still got to make it across the border and to 1470." Lily said coolly, like they hadn't just been running like it was the end of the world. "how do you do this?" I was still panting like I had never breathed before, and Lily was still just looking down at me, a look of mild annoyance on their face. "I run a lot. Now back to the original plan."

"right." I picked Myra up, letting her glare daggers at me. "we need to go back to 1470. And I have an idea of how."


☆*: .。. .。.:*☆

"ihatethisihatethisihatethis-" "shut." They cut me off, grabbing my wrist and hauling me off the cliff. With me screaming like a little girl as I did. Pushing Myra off as well as I hit the surface of the water. And then the world went black. 

850 words, start date; 2/2/22

feel free to give me critiques, it helps a lot!


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