Chapter 2

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"̸I̶ ̷s̷e̶e̶ ̵y̶o̴u̷r̶ ̶b̴a̸c̶k̸ ̴a̷g̵a̶i̶n̷.̵ ̶S̴e̶e̸m̴s̴ ̵t̴o̴ ̴m̵e̷ ̸l̴i̴k̸e̶ ̴y̷o̵u̶ ̴w̷e̴r̶e̴ ̷k̸n̷o̶c̸k̶e̵d̴ ̶o̴u̴t̶.̷"̷ ̵T̵h̶e̵ ̸s̸h̶a̷d̶o̵w̵s̶ ̵s̸e̷e̴m̶e̴d̶ ̴t̵o̶ ̴m̶o̴v̴e̷ ̸a̸r̴o̸u̷n̸d̴ ̵[̶R̴E̷D̷A̴C̷T̷E̷D̵]̸ ̶l̵i̶k̸e̷ ̷t̷h̴e̵y̶ ̶h̴a̶d̶ ̵a̷ ̶m̴i̴n̸d̴ ̸o̷f̵ ̶t̴h̸e̵i̵r̶ ̸o̶w̸n̶.̵ ̵"̴w̷h̶o̴ ̴a̷r̴e̵ ̵y̵o̶u̷ ̴a̵n̵d̴ ̴w̵h̸a̵t̴ ̵d̷o̷ ̴y̴o̴u̷ ̸w̴a̸n̶t̵?̸!̸"̷ ̸

"I am you."

"quiet. You're going to wake Wilbur." A voice- no, Lily said as my consciousness returned to me. the first thing I noticed was the searing pain in the back of my skull. It felt hotter than white hot pain and felt like my brain was exploding.

"aaaaaₐₐₐₐₐₐ" was all I could say. And it didn't really feel like I was hearing my own voice, rather the vibrations of it. It was not pleasant in the slightest. I hadn't even opened my eyes and I felt Lily's presence near me. This was one of the times I was grateful that they radiated dominance. And it was tangible. You could feel it as soon as they stepped into the room. I personally have no idea why they choose me to be their co-leader of the Sapphire Reapers. They were known for quieting rooms as soon as they entered. Now I'm gay, but they had dark blue eyes you could get lost in.

"you up?" they asked I had a habit of sleep talking, so they probably didn't know if I was awake or not, but I don't blame them.

"mhhhhh" I mumbled as I opened my eyes slightly. They were leaning against the couch I was on, the back of it.

" 'bout time too. You hit your head pretty hard. Speaking of, sorry. I didn't know there were rocks at the bottom of the river." They pivoted and walked back over to somewhere out of my frame of view. "and Myra is here. I've already interrogated her. She says that she did kill Dawn, but she was hired buy someone. She said it was some 'a' name." the finished. I heard the scrape of wood chair on metal floor.

"Ashe" I blurted. I just got this feeling it was someone named Ashe.

"mm! mm!!!!" Myra said, Lily had gagged her after the interrogation so that she wouldn't shout for help.

"alright." Lily sad as they took Myra's gag off.

"ok, I remember now. It was Ashe Linea. The leader of Paradise Hell. he hired me to kill Dawn. I got 250,00 Kilana's out of it." [A/N, 1 Kiana is roughly equal to 2 USD]

Wow. 250,000. I knew that Ashe, the leader of Paradise Hell, was rich, but I didn't know he was so rich that he could just throw around 250,00 Kilana's.

"well, it looks like we got our hitman and our buyer." Lily said bitterly, like the words tasted sour.

"guess so." Said someone. Stepping out of the shadows.

"who are you and how did you get in here?!" Lily shouted, pulling the dagger from their side.

"Ashe Linea"

The room went dead quiet. The tension in the room increasing a thousand times over as I sat up carefully.

"how did you get in here?!" I spoke. The pain in the skull tripling as I did. Making me grimace in pain, which did nothing. Only made it worse.

"I have my ways" Ashe said smoothly. His suit and tie immaculately pressed and washed. Lily lunged at Ashe, her dagger a brief glint of silver in the dark backdrop of 1470. One of the nicer but smaller bases.

They let out a animalistic yowl as they landed on Ashe. His perfect balance gone. Grabbing the doorframe and falling sideways the rest of the way, trying to avoid Lily's feverish swipes with their dagger.

"get her off me!" Ashe bellowed. Shoving Lily to the ground.

"they have a reason for doing that, you know." I say. My hand straying to the knife strapped to my side under my coat.

"and what is that?"

"you killed their parents."


Sorry! this is a bit of a filler chapter, lol.


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