It Only Took One Look (Lionel Messi)

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“Lola? Wake up we’re here.”

I heard someone say while feeling a hand nudging me. My eyes opened slowly as I looked out through the small window next to me. The warm sun was hitting my face which made me half close my eyes. One thing I knew that the plane had finally landed. I was finally home, well my second home to be exact. I breathed in the hot air of Spain as I stepped out of the plane. 

Oh how I missed sunny Spain! Yes, I was born and raised in cold and rainy England but I preferred warmth and the sun. If I had a choice, I would have been born here, in Barcelona. Don’t get me wrong, I love England but there’s something about this place that captivated me. My grandparents’ 50th anniversary happened to be the next day which explained why the whole family flew all the way here.

We were already in the car now, driving to the northern parts of Barcelona. I watched the familiar sites as we drove by. Most of these scenes could be found in my room. I usually come here to paint; you could say that this place is my muse. The minute I graduate University, I’d move in here and open up my own gallery. For my grandparents’ anniversary gift, I was going to paint them during the party. 

I was too caught up in my own world to even hear the conversation going on in the car. It was just me, mom, dad and my two older brothers. My eldest sister, Estelle, was happily married and lived in Madrid so she would already be at nana’s. 

“So, what do you say Lola?”

“Hm? What?” I said snapping out of my daydream.

“There’s a football match tonight, Barcelona versus Athletic Bilbao. Dad already bought the tickets!” Ben was smiling from ear to ear. He was a huge Barcelona fan.

“Yeah, come on sis. We’re not going back to England anytime soon so it’s the only football you get to watch live.” Jared said wiggling his eyebrows.

“Who said I was going to refuse?” My brothers gave me a high-five. “But, I’m not going to wear a Barca jersey. It just feels wrong.”

Ben sighed shaking his head. “Alright, as long as you’ll come and cheer for them it’s all good.”

I nodded in agreement and silence fell in the car until I asked curiously. “Where are the seats?”

“Front row!” My dad answered winking at me from the mirror and I beamed. Watching footballers up close playing was the best feeling ever. 

Not long after, we finally arrived at nana’s. It was a small house though how all of us fit in there was beyond me. Usually one of us took the couch and I hoped to God it wasn’t my turn this time. The front door swung open and there stood the happy couple. I admired how they still loved each other after all these years. Not many old couples are like that. Sometimes I wished I would grow old with someone that loved me, though it was still early to think about marriage.

I was the first one out of the car and practically ran to greet my grandmother. She was closer to me than my own mother. Nana Rosalie engulfed me with a tight hug and I returned it. I noticed her glancing behind my shoulder as if looking for someone.

“Where’s your novio, querida?”

“I don’t have one, nana.” I said confused and pulled away. Her face fell and she looked disappointed.

“Oh, what happened to that nice boy…Daniel?”

“That was over a long time ago.” I stated and she just nodded taking it in.

“Well, he wasn’t that nice anyway then.” She said trying to sound cheerful and smiled and I mirrored it. Daniel was long gone and forgotten and it didn’t hurt anymore when he was brought up.

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