I Can Feel Your Fever Taking Over (Lukas Podolski)

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Germany lost against Spain in the semifinals of the World Cup 2010. I was there cheering for my country and wasn’t satisfied at all. They didn’t play like I expected and it shocked me how the guys didn’t even make the effort to attack and at least make an attempt to score. I agreed with the goalkeeper Manuel Neuer that none of the star players tried their best and it was shocking. The biggest shocker was Joachim Loew’s statement that there was no hope for Germany to win, but we’re going to try our best. Their own coach said that! No wonder the players were down and couldn’t play like they did in other matches, especially like the one against Argentina.

You might be wondering who I am, right? Or not. Well, my name’s Acacia Schweinsteiger, Bastian’s little sister. Not that little we’re only 3 years apart making me 23. I’m a photographer and yes I came to South Africa because of my job and to support my brother and country of course. I’m also crazy about football! I know everything about it, all its history which seems to intimidate most men. I don’t like acting stupid just to get a boyfriend. If they can’t handle it there’s always the door. So, in other words my love has gone down the drain. I’ve had my share of one night stands, but those weren’t enough for me. This time I wasn’t going to look for love and let it come to me. 

The game was over and I headed with the reporters to the locker rooms. I tried to get as much pictures of the players and coaches as I could of both countries. Some weren’t answering to the poor reporters mainly the Germans and I got frustrated wanting to know their thoughts. I turned my attention to the Spaniards who were eagerly responding. I wanted so much to roll my eyes at some of their declaration, but restrained from doing so. I laughed at their jokes with the others and took as much pictures as I could. They seemed fun to be around. I’ve done a photo shoot of Villa, Ramos, Torres and many others but I doubted they remember me. 

After a few more minutes, I was done. My job as a photographer was done and now I had to play the role of a sister and console my brother. He must be fuming already! I could tell by the sound of his voice as I approached. Manuel joined him as the others didn’t bother to do the same. I was expecting at least Philipp Lahm, the captain to speak up or even Lukas Podolski. However, they were all quiet and shook off my brother’s and the goalkeeper’s anger. I just stood there watching the scene feeling that something was definitely wrong with the guys. As much as I wanted to take a picture of this since it would make a great story for the press, I didn’t. Before I could close the door, Sara, Bastian’s girlfriend stood next to me.

Her eyes were from crying and I hugged her not saying anything. I would’ve cried if they played like they usually do their best and not win, that way they would have deserved to go to the finals. I sighed sadly and let go of Sara closing the door. Some looked up to see it was only me and Sara, they smiled slightly greeting us. I nodded back at them and went straight over to my brother hugging him tightly which he returned.

“Bastian? Can’t…breath.” I managed to say and he soon let go. I patted his back as he said “Let’s not talk about it. I know that you’re thinking the same as I am. Let’s hope we kick some ass against Uruguay.”

I nodded saying “Alright, we won’t. I know that there’s something wrong and different in this match. Just calm down, what’s done is done. Better luck next time, ey?”

He let out a smile which I returned and moved to let Sara embrace him. I noticed that most of the players already left and were probably waiting in the bus for the rest. Glancing around, I spotted Lukas sitting on the bench with his head in his hands. I became friends with the team the minute I met them and a smile tugged on my lips at the memory. However, the ones I got closer with were Thomas Müller, Mesut Özil and Manuel Neuer. I wanted to get close to Lukas, but he never let me. I still didn’t give up and wanted to know why he always pushed me away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2011 ⏰

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