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I look around me, i see dead people, i close my eyes and think of a better place to be at. I don't want to be here with these people, they didn't deserve to die.

I remember the day i lost my grandma, it was funny two cause i never saw her in my life .
My brother and sister got to see her though, because they was with her in west Africa. That day when my mom told me about that, i wasn't just sad i was angry.

I was angry at my self, for not seeing her for not speaking to her, yea i know it wasn't my fault, but i still feel that itty bitty gilt in my stomach. Why? I don't even know.

Even though i never saw, or felt my grandma, i still felt that i would of been close to her, she would of been my best friend the one i go to when i have problems that i can't solve on my own.
Or the one i cry too when I'm feeling hurt.

Yes, people die.
But why?
What for?
For what reason?
We was put on this earth for a mission, a mission that some people didn't even get to finish, but that is okay they look down on us, and say: " i have not finished my mission yet, i would like to pass it down to you.

And trust me you can't decline it, you have to accept it, because you don't know what the mission is.
Or what do yoy get for it?
Or that happy feeling, saying yay I've did it grandma or grandpa or anybody you have lost, you might not see them smiling back at you, but trust me they are. They are proud of you of what you have accomplished.

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