Jealous Ex

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Rachel hated it.

Everywhere she went at least one person was talking about Damian and his 'girlfriend.'

It's so annoying.

Nobody even knows if Damian is dating the girl!

It all over the news.

Plus it doesn't help with the fact that that Chloe Bourgeois girl has practically a social media page full of just Damian and HER.

Did Rachel mean nothing to Damian?

After he caught Rachel cheating she had tried to apologize. SHE LOVED HIM!

But he said no and left

Then all of a sudden there is a new girl.

Far more prettier. She looked like she wasn't even Damian's type.

Damian was always cold so that made him a perfect match for Rachel... right?

This girl... she was nice. Friendly. Selfless. Just an overall good person.

It's not only that....

She seems to have a different affect on Damian.

When Rachel and Damian were together Damian rarely smiled... like normal. He didn't like affection that much. But they did spend time together a lot.

But this girl....

She can make Damian smile without effort. Even make him laugh. Chloe Bourgeois has tons of pictures of the two cuddling. Stating that they were so madly in love.

But hadn't Rachel and Damian been in love? They had been together for a year.

Damian was supposed to be hers. HERS.

Not the other girls. What's her name? Marinette?

Damian had loved her first so Rachel deserves him.

If she ever saw Damian again she would make him hers again. Forget about the Marinette brat.


"Chloe Bourgeois, also known as Style Queen's daughter, has updated her TikTok account. She posted more videos and in the mix there are multiple videos that show more of who this girl that melted the Ice Prince's is. And they also give hints on what her relation is to Damian. Though the question still stands, is it just a fling? Or has this girl truly melted the Ice Prince's heart?"

Rachel turned off the news and just stared at the black screen. She hated it. This feeling inside her. She wanted Damian back. She deserved him. She loved him.

Is a second chance too much to ask for?

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