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"Taylor," Lorelai nodded towards the woman with pale hair.

She watched as Taylor Adler stepped into her office and put her book down to give the Royal Secretary her undivided attention. Lorelai could sense her hesitation from the way Taylor's lips were tightly pressed together.

"Princess. Lady Ali," Taylor bowed her head slightly, giving acknowledgement to the royal guard.

Amira had been sitting on one of the corners of Lorelai's desk, her body facing the princess. Her head, on the other hand, was craned uncomfortably over her shoulder in order to peer at Taylor.

She stood up hastily, a pink tint on her face as she shook her head, "Amira is just fine, Madame Adler."

She had told her that countless times, but Taylor always insisted on honorifics and using last names.

Taylor merely nodded, and Amira sighed, knowing she wouldn't listen. Taylor took a white tablet out from underneath her arm. Using the white stylist, she swiped around and tapped on the screen for a moment before placing it down on the desk for Lorelei.

"Her Majesty asked me to have you look at these profiles."

Sucking in a deep exhale, Lorelai pressed her lips to a tight line as she realized why the Royal Secretary had seemed tentative. The discontent was sprawled out upon Taylor's face, but her eyes remained hopeful. Lorelai's hand gripped onto the tablet, sliding it closer to her side of the table without picking it up. From the directory on the side of the report, she saw that there were nine candidate profiles compiled for the Princess to view.

She used her fingers to navigate the tablet's screen, giving it a once over. She barely even glanced over the name and face of the first candidate before coming to her conclusion.

"No," Lorelai said without scrolling through the rest of the profiles.

"But Princess—" Taylor began to protest, but Lorelai pushed the tablet away from herself.

"I told my mother that I want to go to the Ball alone. I don't need an escort," Lorelai voiced, shaking her head as she refused to have any kind of discourse about it. "Thank you for your work on those profiles, though, Taylor. They seem like exemplary men."

"You only glanced at one profile, Princess," Taylor frowned, picking up the tablet.

"If you chose them, I'm sure they were the best of the best."

The sides of Taylor's lips curved up in a smile. Despite the rejection of her profile proposals, the Princess had still complimented her work.

"Thank you, Princess Lorelai. I'll see myself out," Taylor told her, bowing once more before making for an exit.

When the door closed softly, Amira sat back down on the corner of Lorelai's desk. The Princess pushed back and let the entire weight of her body press against her chair. She tilted her head back and let out a heavy sigh, before sitting up straight again.

"Your mother isn't going to be happy," Amira commented, picking up the book Lorelai had placed down on the table, skimming over the pages and letting them rapidly fall from her thumb.

Lorelai was silent, but raised her eyebrows in a show of agreement.

"Knock knock!"

Two gentle taps on the door followed alongside giggling.

"Come in."

The door swung open. Kavina and Daniella both threw up peace signs as they entered, Kavina closing the door. Since their arrival two days before, the two princesses would wander into Lorelai's office to find her reading when she said she would be in there working on suggestions to tell their parents for the Ball.

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