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Lorelai flipped through documents, her eyes flying down the list of checkmarks.

"And Prim is working alongside Kieu and Mrs. Chau to come up with the menu, yes?" Lorelai asked out loud, not looking up from the sheafs of paper .

Mrs. Thuy Chau was Chandrama's Head Chef, and Kieu was her eighteen year old son. They both worked at the castle in Chandrama, and were exceptional cooks. As most of the residents of Chandrama were vegan like their royal family, Thuy and Kieu were coming to the Kastilyo to help Chef Prim create vegan dishes and desserts to add to the menu. Especially since the Ball would be open to the public from each kingdom, but even if it wasn't, an inclusive menu was the ideal option.

Kavina paused what she was doing—sifting through a box of different colored twines and ribbons—and responded despite not being addressed, "Yes. They're coming in later today."

Lorelai nodded in her general direction, flipping the document at the top of the pile to the bottom.

"Oh, thank the stars, you girls are driving me nuts."

Both princesses and Amira looked to Lorelai's chaise longue where Elijah was sprawled out, swiping his pointer finger lazily on the screen of his tablet. He took up the entire space, leaving Kavina to be on the floor.

A moment of silence passed before the prince looked up, noticing the two girl's stares.

"Sorry, Kavina, I mainly meant Lorelai," he apologized.

"What?" she snapped.

Kavina giggled at the statement while Lorelai glared at him.

"I'm kidding, Princess. No need to go around shooting daggers at people," he teased, a smirk plastered across his face.

"I'm really debating whether or not to shoot one at you," she spoke under her breath.

"I love it when you whisper empty threats to me," he playfully antagonized her further.

Lorelai wondered if he was aware of how dizzying that sentence was. She turned her head away rapidly, unable to look him in the face anymore.

"Enough," Amira scolded the two of them.

"I'm just saying, it's nice to have another guy friend at this party y'know? Since we can't go and visit with my best pal—"

"Princess Lorelai?"

Attention shifted away from Elijah to the door within a second. Lorelai cleared her throat before permitting the person to come inside.

Sakura Icis, her mother's Chief Advisor, walked in. She was clad in almost the same Special Assignment Royal Guard uniform as Amira, but instead of black with rose gold hemming, it was the other way around. The abundance of rose gold in her uniform allowed her to stand out amongst the Royal Guard and cement her placement as not only the Queen's Chief Advisor, but as the Head of the Royal Guard.

Amira straightened her posture at the sight of her boss, bowing her head in respect. Sakura bowed back, her short purple hair falling over her face. The interaction lasted a moment before both women stood tall once again.

"I came to give you kids the RSVP list," Sakura said, holding up a stack of papers. With one glance around the room, she said, "I'm surprised Daniella isn't in here."

Daniella was the only one of the four royal children that was not holed up in Lorelai's office. Unlike her friends and brother, she wasn't shouldering the responsibility of the final stages of the Three Queen's Ball, so she took the opportunity to sleep in.

Sakura brushed a strand of her short black hair behind her ear, taking long strides towards Lorelai's desk.

Despite the Ball being open to the public, there were still handfuls of aristocrats who received "personal invitations from the crown" imploring them to attend. Asking them for any accommodations they would like to see at the Ball helped with determining the exact catering, music choices, and decor designs.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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