The Psychologist (Toast)

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The woman was trembling like a leaf in an autumn breeze as the words she spoke rendered in her brain, causing fresh tears to spring up in her greyish eyes. Toast saw her and felt pity, pity that he had felt when Johnny Ghost went missing, and Gertrude called for him directly, the major disappointment on her face when he arrived. I need to get a stronger heart... The pain was even worse than he had felt before, and nothing he could do was able to stop the pain. He would be able to dampen the memory, but not erase it from her mind. He sighed.

"Would you like to come in?" The woman asked, her voice fragile, as if it would shatter any moment. He nodded, lost in his thoughts. She managed to muster a smile, and opened the door a little wider. He walked in gratefully, for it had begun to rain, and he wanted to get inside as quickly as he could. Johnny strode inside, then waited for the woman as he wiped his shoes. She ushered them to sit on the couch in a hurried manner, as if she wanted to be alone again. He recalled a small memory as he walked into the furnished room.

A seventeen year old boy walked into the room. Toast looked at him. He seemed normal, like nothing was wrong. Until the boy's mom told Toast. She whispered in his ear "He has... a... second personality. Have you heard the news? About... murders? We don't want him to go to an... asylum." She choked out the last word. Johnny Toast wished he hadn't become a psychologist, as it meant possibly working with murderers, and no less possibly insane ones. Johnny took a deep breath and pulled a paper out of a drawer and asked the lady to sign it.

"What's your name?" He asked the woman and the boy at the same time.

"I'm Margaret Casket. This here is little Gregory." She responded to his question absentmindedly. Johnny nodded. The next hour was a blur. Pills, talking, help, tips. nothing really happened. Until his eyes changed...

Johnny snapped out of his dreamlike trance and re-entered the real world. The woman was sobbing heavily, and was now a very frail being. He walked over to her and patted her back. After what felt like an hour, Johnny finally removed his fingers from the arch of her spine. She swallowed heavily.

"Can you describe what... He looked like?" asked Toast gently, his accent making the question all the more soothing. Something rendered in his mind about Ghost, he seemed oddly similar to the boy at the office.

"He... He wore a black sweater... Ummm.... Jeans, and He carried a knife." The woman responded, her voice quivering like a butterfly's wings.

"I think I know who we're dealing with." said Toast, his voice hardening as he spoke. He dashed outside after calling to the woman to stay in her house. He yanked open the door to his car, not even bothering to look at the scenery. Eventually, he pulled up on the side of the road somewhere and reached into the back of the car. He pulled out a magnum and a Bowie knife, only to be used if absolutely necessary. The forestry was never beautiful when you have a killer on your hands. He flicked on his flashlight and began to walk through the dense evergreen. The darkened sky did not help with the lighting in the growth on the mountainside as Toast stumbled nearly blindly through the thick wood. With the obstructions, it was hard to get through the trees without falling over. After five minutes of aimless wandering, Johnny finally found his destination.

The oak door opened slowly, creaking ominously as the girl scampered back into the dark recesses of the shady room. Her dark hair was bloodied and matted, her greenish blue eyes darting about nervously, similar to a mouse. A man walked in, donning a grey sweater. Nothing would change about her nervousness as she crawled underneath the feeble rags that she was given. Her kidnapper was abusive and insane, giving her cuts and gashes to remember. This man though, he stemmed a felling, like he did not want to hurt her, against all odds. The musty air filled her lungs as she peeked out from underneath the thin, moth eaten blanket that hardly covered her torso. The new man was close now, close enough to touch her. She tried to kick him, but she found she could not lift her legs high enough to.

"It's okay, I'm not here to hurt you." Said Johnny, calming the girl almost immediately, as he usually did, and finding that he was not her capturer. She sighed and attempted to stand up on her thin legs, but they gave out on her and she fell over. Toast went to pick her up, but stopped when he heard an eerie voice coming from behind him. A bitter scream rang out from the girl, and Toast quickly set her down and whirled around.

"Seems you've found my little trap, Toaster." Said the voice, giving Johnny the chills. The british man briskly ripped out his pistol and aimed it at the man who was now in front of him. Jimmy smiled insanely. "Finally, some release after being locked up with those stupid crea.... humans. I mean, they don't exist anymore, because you know, well STAB STAB STAB!" The psychopath screamed at the end, drawing his knife and dragging the stunned Toast outdoors. Toast snapped out of his stupor and smashed Jimmy in his funny bone, causing his voice to go six octaves higher as he screamed in agony. The black haired man attempted to shoot him in the foot, but missed as Jimmy jumped out of the way in a fraction of a second and lunged at Johnny with Knifey. He rolled out of the way, as he was still laying on the ground, his suit coated in a layer of mud and grass. Jimmy scowled and lunged again, this time down low. Johnny Toast jumped up and briskly bounced into the air. Johnny ripped his bowie knife out of his belt and skidded towards Casket and slashed at him. Johnny missed, and giving Jimmy an oppurtunity. Johnny quickly recovered and shot Jimmy in the thigh, causing him to crumple to the ground in pain. The girl had used some other means of standing up and was now peeking out of the door, expecting her captor to win the fight, but seeing the kind man standing, his body shaking, as if he were crying. She inched slowly across the soggy ground, making it harder for her to stand. She limped at the speed of a banana on top of a snail. She rested a tiny hand on the man's muddy back.

Johnny jumped as something brushed across his back, and he turned around to see the girl he had tried to save before he had been caught by Casket. He kneeled down, ignoring the young, eleven year old girl beside him. He touched the man's brown hair lighly, and merely whispered, "I'm sorry Johnny, I had to." More tears leake dfrom his eyes, then he lifted both the girl and unconsious man up, placing the girl in the front seat. He lowered Jimmy/Johnny onto the back seat and buckled himself in the front seat. He turned the key, took the wheel, and drove down the road.

The girl limped up to her shocked mother, squealing in glee as she was reunited with her mom. Johnny sighed and revved the engine again, then drove down the road again as he left towards the only place he needed: The Hospital.


I DO NOT SHIP JOHNNY GHOST & TOAST! IF ANY OF YOU GET THIS MISCONECPTION I WILL BRING THE FORCE OF THE LEVEL 900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GHOST THAT I AM!!!

(BTW there's 164 zero's there.)

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