Jasmine pov

254 19 3

I'm in my living room watching red notice on Netflix, taking a break from moving in, while eating popcorn thinking about Kehlani

I still can't figure out where exactly I know her from

I get interrupted by my thoughts with my phone buzzing from a text notification from my friend sat Ng that her flight was moved to 2 weeks

*Sigh* great now I have to stay in this house being lonely for a long ass time

I go back to watching Netflix and I get interrupted AGAIN but this time by a knock on the door

I get up to open the door but see no one there, I look down and I'm surprised by who I see

It was-


Heyyyy long time no seeeeeee

Longer chapters coming just wanted to put something out there for you guys

So I'm going to try and be more active.

See you next time

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