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(italics is what is being in their head)

Previously on:


I get up to open the door but see no one there, I look down and I'm surprised by who I see

It was-

Jasmine pov

to my surprise it was this short fine ass girl not Kehlani fine but ok {forgot to mention but jasmines 60}

j: umm hello?

?: hi, Jasmine right?

J: yeahh... who are you?

N: Im Nicole, I live next door Kehlani's best friend

J: oh, hello nice to meet you.

N: *pushing past me* mhm hi

I just stand in shock cos I do NOT remember inviting her in

J: sure come in

I go to the living room to see her sat on my sofa, well damn make yourself comfortable then

N: so jasmine what the fuck is your deal?

J: huh?

Did she just come to my house to insult me?

N: wdym huh? Whats your deal with kehlani having a daughter?

J: I actually dont have problem with that

N: then why did she tell me you were judging her when I told her Adeya was crying for her?

J: I seriously have no problem with it I was just surprised

N: why?

J: because it sounds dumb

N: *folding her arms glaring at me*try me

J: *mumbles*

N: speak up

J: *mumbles*

N: speak up!

J: *mumbles*

N: speak up!!

J: I thought she was single ok damn

Shes just staring at me then she does the hand motion to make someone continue talking

J: she told me that she was single and I was kind of hoping she was cos I was feeling her yunno

N: is that supposed to make up for it or?

Shes quite intimidating for someone 6 inches shorter than me

J: no...

N: then what are you going to do?

J: apologize

N: mhm thats right

J: ok

This girl has me feeling uncomfortable in my own damn house

N: so... you like her huh?

J: its too early to know for sure but yeah kind of but it doesnt matter she probably hates me

N: nah she doesnt hate people

J: oh

I feel better now

N: you may be the exception though

Nope feel worse

J: ugh *I sit down with my heads in my hands* this was not supposed to happen

N: what wasnt supposed to-GCO

She got interrupted by a phone ringing


My phone starts ringing and its kehlani did I forget to mention I didnt tell her where I was going?

N: fml

J: what?

N: Kehlanis calling me

J: fuck

I answer knowing Im dead


N: hey Lani

K: hey Nicki where are u?

N: uhh

I look at jasmine for help but she just shrugs at me

N: I went ...out


N: hello?

K: Im waiting for the actual answer

N: I just told you

K: girl Im not fucking dumb

N: Im frl I went- gco

K: say out and see what happens

N: okay... I gotta go a ... wolf just came in!

Im a shit liar

K:a wolf? Bitch wtf?!

N: kay bye


N: Im dead

J: youre not dead

N: uhh yeah I am, yunno those mom friends that take safety VERY seriously?

J: Yeah??

N: thats her

J: oh damn your dead

N: yeah I know

(A/N: heyy guys so its been a year so ill update today and tomorrow to make up for it ok byee

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