i need to hear that poem

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I wanna hear a poem 

about how the world covers history

We leave it a mystery

We wash our hands

We show them clean

But that's not me

I see the dirt

The ripped off pages 

The masqueraders

In the holocaust

When they killed the gays

But we don't learn about THIS in school 

Only how they killed the Jews

The sugar laws

That prosecute

People just like me and you

They can't send us to hell so they send us to


Gay panic and sodomy

They are people just like you and me

They can not shoot so they prosecute

Thou shalt not preside at a gay marriage

Thou shalt not give Communion to married

gay couples

They say were sick

AIDS and hiv

But they are people just like

You and me

So tell me

Is a book really worth more

Than a life

Alabama Arkansas

Florida Georgia

Indiana Iowa

Kansas Kentucky

Mississippi Missouri 

More and more

When we aren't killed in the streets

Or sent to jail

We are denied proper healthcare

They say

"We are protecting your children"

But really

They are killing us 

But not before we kill ourselves

15% of LGBTQ respondents

to the Trevor projects survey

have attempted suicide

in the past twelve months

LGBT youth are almost five times as likely 

to have attempted suicide compared to

heterosexual youth

we are erasing history

leaving it a mystery

failing to educate 

we will detonate

they washed the dirt off their hands

but forgot

the mud on their faces

and the blood in their nails

the truth always hides in the lies

in 1950 we were spies

in 1969 we disturbed peace

in 2019 2020 and 2021 we are "sexual


the truth always hides behind the lies

we are people

I want to hear a poem

about how gays are scapegoats

so politicians can ride speed boats

I want to hear a poem

about how a

woman loved a woman

so intensely

that the butterflies in her stomach 

came out to flourish the garden

where they went on their first date

I want to hear a poem

about how a

man loved a man

so deeply

they ran away together to a secret island

and they watched the sun rise and fall

like they were the only people seeing it

no more sad poems with depression and

despair how come when I turn on the news
and see gay it's only ever followed

by dead or shooting or arrest

is it to much to ask

for marriage happy or love

I want to hear a poem

that can fully distract me

From the thick dark sticky gooey hate

that I'm choking on constantly

like a fresh cold comforting

glass of water after a long

deep nap in a warm snuggly afternoon

I want to hear a poem

that is groundbreaking


history making

we shouldn't have to wash

our hands to get the mud and

blood off because it shouldn't 

be there to begin with

we say "history is written in blood"

like it's something to be proud of 

we should be ashamed to think 

we have to spill blood to make peace 

when it's clear to see we are enemies

With each other 

we are trying to start war with other powers 

when we are at war with ourselves 

how can they mutter so mindlessly 

this is the home of the free 

and the brave and the strong 

when that is so clearly wrong

I want to hear a poem

That makes me feel safe

That stops the persistent paranoia 

When I walk alone on the street 

So I don't have to see so constantly 

What is behind me 

Or who 

I want to hear a poem 

that makes me proud to be me 

That makes me see that

Love is free 

I want a poem 

To be enough 

To suck the poison 

That fills the air and sea 

I need to hear that poem 

I need to hear that poemWhere stories live. Discover now