✫2 A waste of my day

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[Kinda edited??}

Narrators POV

Lucy fell asleep quite quickly than usual

In her dream, everything was pitched black at first then she stumbled across a memory of their previous battles since joining fairy tail (Author: I will not mention some)

"Its so nostalgic yet kinda sad, seeing all my friends get hurt all over-again" Lucy stated

Then everything became pitched black again, then some of her guild members were infront of her

"Lucy, stop causing trouble!"

Lucy, why are you so weak?"

"I'm so much younger yet so much stronger!"

"Stop relying on your dumb spirits for help!"

"Why do you rely on us so much?!"

"We're not here to save your butt forever you know?"

"You're a disgrace to Fairy Tail"

Lucy feeling sad and anxious, started crying and running in her pitch black universe.

"Why are they saying that? Am i that bad of a mage?" Lucy said

Then, Lucy realized that she could  be in a dream caused by her curiosity and anxiety and eventually woke up...

Lucy's POV

I realized, it was all just a dream. I was relieved at the same time haunted. Thinking that I could be a huge burden to my friends and the guild.

After thinking for a while, I stood up, took a bath then ate breakfast. But instead of going to the guild, I decided to go to the library to look for some books to help me become stronger!

" Yosh! to the library!" I said excitedly

[The Library]

"hmmmmm, what kind of book should I search for?, what do you think Plue?" I looked at Plue and obviously it wont answer, but I asked anyway!

" yeah, I knew you would say that! well, since I'm a celestial spirit wizard i might as well study about how to make spirits stronger! Maybe I can study about previous celestial spirit wizards for more information!"

"Hmmm, Celestial Spirit 101, Summoning spirits for dummies, 10 best Celestial Spirits 777? These won't help me at all!"

As I walked around the library, I found it hard to choose what book to read. IF ONLY LEVY WAS HERE! then it hit me,I can ask Crux for help since he knows lots about other celestial wizards!

" Gate of the Southern Cross, i ope—"

I felt a shiver down my spine, then I heard someone whisper to my ear...

'stop relying on your dumb spirits'

I realized that it was from my dream. I shouldn't really make a big deal out of it though since  it just a dream. But still, my dream was right, I shouldn't rely on them in every single little thing! I can find books myself!


"I'm an independent lady, whose gonna search for a book by herself even if it takes her forever!"

Narrator's POV

Lucy looked around the library for a book she can use. She didn't even eat lunch, focussing her full attention on making herself more reliable.

She took dozens of books, to the point of finding it hard to carry them. She searched and read each and every books the Library has for something useful, but failed anyway.

"I already know these things, Isn't there any else a Celestial Spirit mage can do other than summoning spirits?!" She yelled in frustration.

In the end of the day, she ended up borrowing nothing. She didn't find a single book helpful.

Lucy's POV

"Seriously! I spent my whole day in the library and ended up returning everything I borrowed! what a waste of time!"

It looked like it was about to rain so I immediately ran back to my apartment! I was about to open the door when I heard noises from my room, so I quickly entered. Please don't be a burglar! Please don't be a burglar!

" Oh, its just you..."

Natsu's POV

" what do you mean 'just you'?" I asked

"yeah! and I'm here too!" happy said!

"I'm sorry guys, I thought I was some kind of burglar" Lucy replied

Well, that's weird I mean its not like she's not used to me and happy staying in her apartment!

"I mean you are kinda consider as one, because you eat my food, sleep without permission and crash here whenever you want!" She joked as she laughed nervously.

"By the way, I didn't see you in the guild today? where were you?" i asked

"I was in the library to find book to—" She suddenly stopped.

"to what?"

"Nothing, never mind!" Lucy replied

Seriously, Lucy seems down ever since i turned her down to come with us on a job! I hope she isn't making a big deal out of it!

Lucy's POV

I can't tell Natsu that I search the whole day for a book just because of a dream, he might think I'm over-reacting or paranoid!

" Well, if you want to tell me anything I'm right here to listen!" Natsu said

Awww, that's so sweet. I can't believe he's willing to listen to my problems though it would obviously make him fall asleep!

"Well, if your only here to check up on me, you can go home now!" I said

"But Lucy, you haven't fed us fish or anything yet!" happy complained


"I'M NOT A RESTAURANT!" I yelled then gave the my 'Lucy kick' and made them fly out of my house

Hehe. I heard them go "AAAAAAAAHHHHH!" when I kicked them out! that was kinda funny! But should seriously keep my problem to myself so that I don't become a burden to the guild members.

Narrator's POV

As soon as Natsu and Happy left, she ate dinner then went to her table to make a new letter for her mother.

Dear Mom,

Its me, Lucy. Sorry for not making any new letters in a while. I forgot that I even write one! probably because I don't get any replies, hehe. I'm fine here so don't worry, I have enough money for the rent-i guess- and also for food and other things iIneed! Allot has happened here, many battles and hardships, but we were able to overcome them, AS A FAMILY,AS A GUILD!! 

Do you even read the other letters I wrote for you? Im gonna be really mad if you didn't! Just kidding! like said, i should be waiting for a reply since-nevermind! Well, I hope you stay safe and tell father I said hi for me!

Your beloved daughter, Lucy Heartfilia

Lucy doesn't notice, but someone was watching her while she wrote the letter. This 'someone' left a letter on top of her table when she was past asleep. On top, taped to the letter was,


To: Lucy Heartfilia

As soon as she did, she left.


✪STIS - To Be Continued...

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