Chapter 4: Relics

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Liv's by Gwen's locker and Gwen says, "You don't have to follow me around everywhere

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Liv's by Gwen's locker and Gwen says, "You don't have to follow me around everywhere." Liv says, "I'm just trying to keep you safe." Gwen says, "What? You're gonna sit through all my classes? And what about after school? What about all night?" Liv says, "Wherever you go, I'll be there." Gwen walks to the girls bathroom and Liv says, "I'll just stay here." Later, Liv's with Scott, Malia, and Lydia showing them Jake's library card. Malia says, "What's a Relic?" Liv says, "An object with a fixed association to the past. Jake's ID was left behind after he was taken. And Gwen found her sister's bracelet on her bedroom floor." Malia says, "How can someone be erased, and still leave something behind?" Lydia says, "A conservation of mass. The total mass of any isolated system remains constant." Scott says, "So, even the Ghost Riders have a weakness." Malia says, "A relic would be proof that Stiles existed." Scott says, "And maybe we can bring him back." Later, Liv's getting ready for the lacrosse game. Coach walks up to Liv and says, "Where the hell is the rest of your teammates?" Liv says, "I don't know. I keep calling them, but they won't answer." Liv's outside on the bench waiting with Gwen and Liv says, "Just try and stick near me during the game, okay?" Gwen nods and says, "Okay." Meanwhile in the bunker, Liam says, "Hey, we're missing three, plus Gwen and Liv." Scott says, "You guys told her we're meeting in the bunker right?" Liam, Corey, and Mason are silent and Scott sighs and says, "Okay. We're practically missing all lacrosse players." Liam sees Liv and Gwen and goes to them and says, "Liv, didn't you know we we're supposed to go to the bunker?" Liv says, "No, and even if I did. I wouldn't have gone." Liam says, "Why not?" Liv says, "Because me and everyone we're trying to protect are going to get taken." Liam says, "Not if there underground." Liv shakes her head and says, "I have a feeling that they will." Liv grabs her lacrosse stick and gets ready to play the game. The whistle blows and they go on the field. Then the other team starts fighting Beacon Hills lacrosse team and Liv and Gwen look at each other confused. Then they hear the wind blow and it starts raining. Liv takes off her helmet and says, "They're here."  Liv grabs Gwen to bring her over to Scott. Scott says, "Okay. We've got all three, right?" Liam says, "Scott, there were four." Then the team starts seeing the Ghost Riders and Liv says, "Just stay with us, we'll protect you." Liam grabs Liv's hand and says, "Stay close!" Liv grabs hold of Gwen's hand. Then a Ghost Rider shoots a teammate. Liam and Scott fight the Ghost Riders, while Liv stays with Gwen. The Ghost Rider looks right at Liv and he goes to shoot her but, Gwen pushes her out the way and gets hit. Liv yells, "No!" They look around them and they lost everyone they we're supposed to protect, even though Liv knew this was going to happen. They walk back into the school and Liv helps Liam walk and Scott gets off the phone and says, "Everyone from the bunker has been taken." Mason says, "Everyone? How?" Liam says, "It doesn't matter how." Scott says, "Malia is at the hospital. Argent's been hurt. My mom's with them." Liam says, "Scott. Tonight..." Scott says, "No. Hey, it's not your fault. It's mine. We should have done both. Defend the bunker and use a lighting rod. It would've given us a better chance." Liv is really sad that she couldn't save Gwen and instead Gwen saved her. Liv, Liam, and Corey walk into the locker room and Coach says, "There he is. Look at that. the humility. The grace.  Sure, that wasn't lacrosse we played out there tonight. That was la-crap! But you... you stayed on the field with Ms. Stilinski while the rest of these losers ran inside." Liam says, "Coach, we lost. We lost everything." Coach says, "Listen to the despair. The rage simmering underneath it. See that, people? He still thinks he can win. That's why next time he will win. Because he will find a way. Now, show your new Co-Captain some love, you pukes!" The team weakly claps and Coach angrily says, "I said, "Show him some love"!" Then the team starts really clapping and they all chant his name. Later, Liv changes out of her lacrosse clothes and she and Mason and Corey find Liam. Liv softly says, "Liam?" Mason says, "What are you still doing here?" Corey says, "Everyone's gone. Literally. And we should go." Liv says, "Do you want a ride?" Liam says, "I want to catch one." Mason says, "What do you mean catch one? One of the Ghost Riders?" Liam says, "Yeah. Go home." Liam leaves and they follow him. Liv says, "We're not going. We're not leaving you." Corey says, "Somebody just made team Co-Captain, right?" Liam says, "Yeah. Guess I did." Mason says, "Then what do we do?" Liam says, "We catch a Ghost Rider." They walk away not realizing that they passed an important blue Jeep.

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