Confident Hope

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Word: Psalm 146: 3-6

Don't put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there.
When they breathe their last, they return to the earth, and all their plans die with them.
But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the Lord their God.
He made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them.
He keeps every promise forever.

Food for the soul:

- Everyone wants to be rubbing elbows with the prettiest or most handsome, smartest, wealthiest and well-known person out there. There are perks of being associated or friends with them. I know the feeling because I've once been in connection with someone who's the most sought after girl in high school. Although the euphoria and the so-called fame (being known as her best friend) will eventually die down, there's really nothing that gets you to a better college or university after, nor can you put it in your credentials. I realized it will be up to me to work my way through my studies and in the end, my persistence and the help of others who spurned me on to study hard will help me get the diploma, never my connections.

- The psalmist was right when he said we can't trust in 'princes' or those people in higher places nor expect help from them. They will only be there for a time and a season. Though they can help you get things or become someone famous like them in the process, once they vacate their positions, you'll also find yourself exiting the same way they came. Every single person who came on top by any form of achievement will also fade in time. No matter how much followers or fans they've got, their popularity will also come to an end. God shows us that having friends in positions of power don't help at all because He can also bring them down. 

- Blessed are the ones who place their whole trust and rely on God not to fulfill their wish or want but because they have a genuine and growing relationship (Father and child) with Him. God is a promise-keeping God. He has promised this before, He will remain faithful still and will be constant all throughout our lifetime.

- In a world full of temporary positions, pleasures and everything else in between, there is a God who does not change. Whatever we place in His hands, we will not lose. He is the only One in control and His authority will never fade. Our choice to follow and submit to Him and make Him our boss will be the best decision we can ever make. If you haven't made that decision yet,  send me a message and let me lead you in prayer to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior today. 


Almighty Father, forgive us for neglecting the most precious relationship we can ever have, and that is with you. Help us Lord not to come to you only when we need something but to develop a habit of communicating with you each day. Thank you that you are constant and that you will never change nor take your love away from us. Renew our mindset that success and wealth can only come from the ultimate source of all things and that is you, Lord. 

We also lift to you all our relationships. May you use us to impact the people in our sphere of influence to speak and share your Word to them. Guide us Lord and give us wisdom in all our dealings with people no matter who they are and what they do. Help us to see beyond the physical or financial status of a person but like Christ, may we receive them as you have graciously done to us as well. We receive your blessing and favor as we put our hope in your name alone in Jesus's name. Amen.

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