A pissed off American

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Just as Japan left the room she heard a scream

Whenever she got into the room she saw america and in his hand he had a gun obviously very mad and his eyes showed no mercy and murder.

Japan: OMG!

Nazi: *Points toward J.E.* It was her!

*thoughts* Nazi: I didn't even care for a bit I mean it was her fault.... R-right?

3rd person pov

America bolted toward her but suddenly felt a hand

America: WHAT THE-

The figure behind him grabbed something and then he blacked out * Meanwhile with Japan*

J.E.: Whew! I made it.. But I must get ready for war.. *sigh*

Japan: Mommy? Where are you going?

J.E.: I got work to do Japan. But i'll be back soon. Ok?

Japan: Ok mommy. Promise??

J.E.: Promise my little apple blossom. Now please go to bed...

A/N: Omg I'm so tired rn and poor j.e. she won't be able to keep her promise....

Word count: 160

WW2 but more historicaly accurate (ish)Where stories live. Discover now