Chapter 1

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Hello everyone! Before you start reading I have a few things to say. You can only find this book on Wattpad and it has been made by this account only. Any pictures used are made by the creators of then. There's some cuss words throughout this book that people might not like hearing. I will try my hardest to not say to many unless it is asked for. Also there will be mentions of blood, cuts, and wounds. Lastly I hope you enjoy reading my book and if you have any questions you are more than welcome to ask me in the comments. Happy reading!

My hand slowly pressed open the glass door into a luxury restaurant with white tablecloth's place neatly on each table, one small dainty rose in a clear glass vase, and a candle beside it. This place is for the rich, it doesn't suit me, but I had to play the part for my family. My feet ached from the black heels I had chosen to go with my red skin tight dress, if this didn't catch their eye I don't know what would.

Then I saw him, he sat with slicked back hair and a nice suit. He didn't seem like a bad guy, no, but not most killers don't. I scanned the rest of the tables, watching their behavior. Some women would laugh hiding their smile behind the red wine while the men would be trying to make the best impression they could, spending money on the most expensive items here. It didn't seem hard enough to manage. As I started my way down the steps my phone buzzed. It was from my partner, Rex.


Have you found him yet?


Good, be careful though, he's not as innocent as he looks.

I know, I know.
If I'm not out in an hour, something
went wrong.

Got it, see you in an hour.

I swallowed deep and hard then made my way to the table. A smile overcame his face, it made me mad, how could he not remember me? Maybe I've changed too much over the passed 3 years or maybe he does recognize me, 15-year-old little me, who he imprinted with a scar on the shoulder.

" Hello madam," he stood up and pulled out my seat for me, " I hope you don't mind, I already ordered my favorite wine in hopes you will like it as well." He sat back down and poured a small portion in each glass.

" It lovely, thank you." I smiled and smelled it for any trace of cinnamon that covered the poison he might have put in. It smelled fine so I took the tiniest sip. It was very strong and it could get you tipsy in a matter of a glass.

" Let me tip you off." He grabbed the wine bottle and started filling it.

" Oh, I'm sorry." I kept my smile going, " I can't have too much wine, I have a interview tomorrow and I want to look professional if that's alright." There was no interview, I just didn't want him to have more power over me if I did end up getting  drunk.

He stopped pouring and sat it down, " Yes well," there was a silent pause before he continued on, " An interview you say, for what, if you don't mind me asking."

I had to think of something quick a reasonable, " Well it's more of a," I looked around and saw a painting of a dress plastered on the wall, " Fashion, type, thing.....But enough about me, what about you?"

" What about me would you like to know?" He grinned showing his god awful teeth.

" Do you have any interest?" I placed my chin on my fist to look intrigued.

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