Chapter 2

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Before you start reading I didn't want Tony dying or any of the Avengers so don't be confused if there in here.

A blur of red came from out of nowhere using its feet to knock out the speeding car. A loud noise was made as the car tumbled off the side of the road, smashing into the lake below. I felt like I was floating out of my body and looking down at me inside of the car, until there was complete darkness surrounding me. Within an instant I blacked out from pain.

I woke up to light shining down on my face. People surrounded me in white coats and masks. A man with dark almost black hair and a goatee stood close by. I examined his facial features, noticing that he had brown eyes and some creases near his nose and eye bags. He could have been around late 30s, early 40s.

" She's waking up." One of the men said walking over to me. " Hello Miss, don't be frightened. One of our helpers found you blacked out in a car with a cut on your head and some bruises. The good news is that there's no broken bones. Your cut will be properly healed in around 1-2 weeks. You will need to keep this bandage on to not let any infections in. Here are some replacement ones. Make sure to rotate them out daily. If you have any questions feel free to ask." The doctor placed on a cold sticky bandage over the side of my left forehead. It was very uncomfortable and felt weird when making expressions.

I tried to sit up but felt a large throb, ache in my back. I winced falling down to my old position as everyone walked over to me to check if I was ok. My heart pounded fast from shock while the pain started slowly to withdraw.

" Ma'am you might not want to move. You received some other minor injuries in your upper back that most likely happened from the crash." The nurse put her arm under my shoulders and assisted me up.

I looked over to see the man from before studying me. I looked around to see all the other doctors working with my blood samples and X-rays. Another doctor started walking past when I grabbed his coat. " Who is he." I asked pointing to the Goatee man.

" You are going to talk to him later on today." The doctor left and in the next moments the guy was out of sight.


I was walked out of the doctors office and brought into a room that was completely secluded and sound proofed. The man sat in a black leather chair on one side of the table with a identical chair on the other.

" Hello." The man said, " I'm Tony Stark." He placed a hand out to me after I was helped to my seat. I reached over to shake his but I felt soreness every time I moved.

" Sorry, It's really hard right now to move." I slowly pulled my hand back into my lap. " I'm Scarlett Jones. I was told that you wanted to talk to me in private?"

" Yes." He replied, " When you are in the car crash, a very dangerous man was behind it. When you swerved, The other car lightly hit you causing electric to sparse around and most likely... how do I put this... gave you a... well a... a gift per say." He waited for my reaction.

" Gift... like a... like a... superpower?" I felt my face go cold and my leg start to bounce.

" We have doctors trying to figure it out right now but we are thinking your, gift, structures through emotion." He turned on a large projector to show a outline of a persons body. The brain had blue and red splotches. " We figured that it will be its strongest when you are angry or having overwhelming feelings." He pointed to the red then to the blue, " It could be at its lowest when your weak or worn out. Which could also make this power deadly." He held his breath.

" Deadly?!" I yelled jerking up but then regretting it and falling back. " It could kill me?"

" Yes, but only if it is over used." He went to the next slide which showed the red slowly increasing. " I can help you with this, but only if 
you trust me."

I sat silent for a second before speaking, " So your telling me that I have a power from... a car, and it could kill me." I said slowly taking all of it in.

" Yes, I know it sounds overwhelming, but I am here to help you so you don't have to do this alone. We are going to teach you how to use this power so that you don't over use it. I will be having some of the best train you in hopes that you could help to better life." He put his glasses on and smiled.

" Right... I think I need to think things over with my partner." I replied, " I don't do anything without Rex, and if you don't mind, I would like him to be here."

" Certainly, he's just outside in the waiting room. I can have a nurse bring him in." He snapped his finger twice at a nurse by the door. She stiffened up and exited.

" Thank you." I exhaled trying to fix my position when a huge pain came up my rib cage as a blue light came from my eyes. Tony leaned into the table as I blinked it away.

Rex voice came from the doorway, " Woah that was sick."

" Hey." I said as I tried to turn to him.

" Hey, don't try to move that much. I heard about your injuries, bet it hurt." He put his hands on his hips and looked at my bandage.

" You think." I glared at him.

" Hi I'm Rex." He put out his hand to Tony who shook it then immediately pulled out hand sanitizer to wipe his hands.

" Hi, I'm Tony Stark. I was just talking to ur partner Scarlett about her accident."

" Girl got hurt bad didn't she. Scar Scar hasn't been able to drive like, ever." He laughed as Tony kept a serious face.

" Rex stop." I whispered at him. " Sorry about that Mr. Stark."

Tony continued talking more about how I had gained my gift. While he was talking about the accident he talked about the person who stopped the car.

"... Now we will contact you sometime this week so you guys can meet each other. You could maybe someday become part of our team." Tony finish and pulled off his glasses.

" And this guy's name?" I asked.

" I can't give out his birth name but his given name is Spider-Man. He's around your age, 21 right?"

" Right." I replied to him.

Tony stood up with his hands together, " That all the information I can give right now so we will send you guys home now. Think about our offer Miss Jones, you won't regret it." He waved goodbye and exited the room leaving me and Rex silent.

" How do you feel about this?" I asked Rex.

" I don't know, he basically said that we won't be partners anymore." Rex replied saddened by the fact.

" We will be partners, don't worry." I grabbed his hand. " If you don't want me too, I won't take up the offer."

" No, no take it if you want, just think it over." He pulled his hand away and got out of his seat, " See ya later." He started walking out of the room but I called out.

" Wait! You left me here! Rex!" I yelled.

" Whoops!" He ran back in and helped me out of my chair.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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