Practice&last Day At Hotel 18+

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"y'all, this is pointless where are they? Practice started 30 minutes ago, can't we just Start without them?" Tom questioned looking over at Joey&Brad who were casually joking off and drinking jack Daniels, "get off your drunk Asses will you? Hello? Earth to Joey&Brad" Tom Joked signing as he paced around the Room, "what is this a Pub? Cause last time I checked it was a Band practice session" tom announced with an annoyed tone in his Voice, Stevens&Joe's laughing was heard in the as they walked in, "God, finally what took you guys so long? Tom was about to lose it" Joey questioned, looking over at the kissing couple,

"Tom, Relax we're here" Steven laughed as Steven handed him a red jolly Rancher only for it to be smacked out of his Hand, "keep your shit" Tom unexpectedly responded before walking off towards his instrument, "you guys Ready?" Steven questioned as everyone carefully started playing they're instruments, "Alright! 1234!" Steven excitedly yelled Dancing around the Room swinging his microphone every which way, cheerfully singing same old song&Dance "get Yourself Cooler, lay yourself Low coincidental murder with nothing to show with the judges constipation go to his Head and his wife's aggravation you're soon enough Dead" Steven sang as he skipped around the Room occasionally looking over at Joe,

Swinging his hips, back and Fourth as he placed one hand on the microphone and one on his hip as he continued looking over at Joe, messing with him before turning his attention back to the microphone as he continued singing, "it's the same old story, same old song and Dance my friend!" 2x he repeated twice, as much as Joe wanted to Fuck Steven again he couldn't, he had to stay patient, no matter how hard it was, How did Steven have this much energy inside of him?" Joe questioned in his head, before paying attention to his guitar all over Again Steven laughed slightly Grinding against the microphone as he usually did,

A few hours practice was finally done, as they hurried to pack they're clothes and needed essentials, Steven warmly smiled and looked over at Joe who was zipping up his guitar Case, Joe immediately noticed this and smiled back before giving Steven a slight smack on his before slightly squeezing it, "oOoOO, firm" Joe joked as he looked into Steven's eyes, grabbing his face and hair forcing Steven to look up at him, kissing him then pulling Away, "Joe, I want You so bad" Steven begged "I can't Right now, maybe after this show Okay?" Joe assured him placing a hand on his Cheek stroking it,

As Steven slowly Nodded his head, focusing his attention back on packing, "okay Guys gather any last minute essentials, we need to start moving out!" Joseph yelled, "Done!" Everyone yelled at the same time, Joseph keys jingled in his Hand as he led everyone out onto the Tour bus all over again, before driving off "heyyy, babe" flirtatious responded getting into Joe's Lap, as they both hung out in the Room he spent time In the last few Days, shutting&locking the Door, playing love hurts by Nazareth all over again as Steven seductively Danced around the Room, as Joe watched In awh, Steven unexpectedly found a scarf in his suitcase, wrapping his around Joe's shoulders unexpectedly climbing onto his lap air grinding against him mockingly moaning against Joe's ear, making it hard for Joe to ignore him,

Steven laughed as he swung his hair side To side as Joe, felt himself Get hard just at the sight Joe laughed as he was suddenly unzipping&unbuckling Stevens leather pants, "Wait" steven whispered immediately stopping "What,Why?" Joe questioned in confusion looking up into Stevens eyes pulling him close they're bodies basically touching eachother feeling the warmth of eachother, "lube?" Steven responded as he suddenly got up slowly pulling down his leather pants in a teasingly manner messing with Joe, knowing he was impatient  "God, Steven hurry up!" He yelled "make me, then" Steven laughed "of, course babe" Joe smirked grabbing Steven and Throwing him onto the Couch, immediately pulling down his boxers positioning him to where Stevens back was To Joe,

"So, Fucking Hot" Joe whispered against Stevens ear as he began to unbuckle the belt on his jeans, forcefully spreading his Legs and massaging lube, on his member as he slowly aimed his dick, before shoving it All in, ~ah,Joe!~ Steven screamed as he buried his face Into Stevens Neck attacking it with kisses, keeping A hand over Stevens mouth making it difficult for moans to slip out, unexpectedly speeding up the moving of his hips, causing Steven to bounce on his Dick ~ah, Ha Fuck Me Daddy!~ Steven screamed gasping as he was unexpectedly Smacked "Quiet!" Joe yelled making Steven slightly Jump in fright, as his mouth was uncovered as a Result to make it harder to stay quiet "shhhh, or I'll punish you" Joe warned, as Steven gripped onto the fabric of the Couch,

"Say, something I Dare You" Joe continued mocking him, ~please~ Steven begged as a slight whimper came out only to be Smacked Again "You like that Don't You?, You bitch, Or shall I Say My bitch" Joe laughed immediately afterwards pulling Steven back as he grabbed Onto his hips forcing to lean back against his stomach rapidly thrusting into him as he held his chin up freeing one of his hands stilling holding onto Steven keeping him back with a firm grip, looking down into his eyes forcefully kissing him once again, before letting go watching him Fall forwards face first against a couch pillow, ~joe!~ Steven loudly moaned as the couch began to Creak, with every powerful thrust,

Stevens Black&Purple painted Nails shimmered in the lights above, as his hands tightened they're grip on the fabric not being able to Handle how big Joe was, "oh, My god I feel myself getting closer and closer" Joe announced unexpectedly grabbing his belt and giving Stevens Ass slight Spanks, Making Stevens moans high pitched At times, "oOoOO" Joe laughed "there's the bitch sounding moans, I like" Joe admitted suddenly turning Steven around immediately noticing his Face A light Red color due to all the sweating&movment, "Awh, baby you want me to Stop?" Joe laughed "Woohoo!" Joe yelled in excitement as he pushed Stevens legs apart once again, casually slamming back into him causing his mouth to open, repeatedly gasping in pleasure

Playing with Stevens Nipples occasionally licking Them, causing Steven To moan even More "uh, oh Remember Stay Quiet" Joe Warned bringing out his belt taunting A submissive bottom Aka Steven, "Promise?" Joe questioned grabbing his chin once again, looking into Stevens sparkling Eyes, as Steven immediately nodded his head obeying to Joe, instantly covering his mouth preventing any more Moans, as Joe once again started slamming into him, causing his body to Shake each time feeling his Eyes Slightly Roll back every time, as Joe brought him into a kiss forcing Steven to move his hands, adding his tongue into it, as the thrusting became more Intense ~ahh, haa! Joey I'm gonna Cum!~ Steven Yelled in a Panic, "Come on let it Out!" Joe yelled immediately changing his dick with his Fingers, "Squirt For Me, babe!" Joe Demanded moving his fingers at a Rapid Speed, as squirting noises filled the Room, Steven held his legs up carefully not unspread them as his Head sunk into the pillow, "Holy Shit!" Joe yelled in shock and excitement as white fluids started Spraying everywhere causing him to Fall back analyzing, it closely as Steven intensely started breathing heavily,

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