𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑿𝑪𝑽

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Seungwon did not expect to witness such a horrific scene the moment he stepped in through the front door. Hanbin’s legs, which were originally in an already atrophied and shrunken state, had become something much more gruesome. His legs were beyond salvation as they had become pure black, like carbon.

The reason why he was convinced to go with Soojin’s acupuncture technique was because he had read in historical archives, writings about her family’s game-changing technique. Back then, even his master had commented about how the Hua family has perfected the art of acupuncture. This was why he had not doubted Soojin’s actions, especially after she had demonstrated her work to him in person.

What’s more, Soojin had once told him that she had already reached the peak of creating formations, using the countless lives she had saved to prove the validity of her statement. As a fellow traditional practitioner of medicine, there was no reason for her to lie about this, right? Seungwon wholeheartedly believed in her work.

And he thought that he’d be able to see Hanbin stand back on his own two feet after a couple of months.

Never in a thousand years would he expect to see such a heart-breaking scene. Hanbin was lying on the bed lifelessly; whether or not he was alive or dead was uncertain.

“Quick! Let me take a look!”

Seungwon sounded anxious. Without wasting an extra-second, Uncle Tai stepped aside to allow the healer to take a closer look at the young master. Then, he looked back up at Soojin with an icy-cold look in his eyes. Since he had been cultivating ancient martial arts when he was a young boy, the pressuring aura emanating off his body was like none other.

Soojin, who was originally staring blankly at Hanbin couldn’t help but shuffle backward fearfully after being glared at by Uncle Tai. Leaning against the wall, she peered back at Uncle Tai with timid eyes. Her body was trembling uncontrollably out of fear.

“Hurry up! Get Old Baili over here! And my disciple, Jackson as well!” Seungwon’s pupils shrank. Suddenly, a look of horror surfaced on his face as he continued working on Hanbin. “The restrictions within his body have broken down! Damn it!”

It’s over.

Soojin could feel her strength drain out of her body as she collapsed onto the ground. As the descendant of a famed healer, it was natural that she could see Hanbin’s life force gradually leaving his body. She thought that she would return to the limelight of the medical world after today. How did things turn out like this?

“We’re running out of time!” Seungwon yelled as he looked up at Uncle Tai. “Use every ounce of your chi! Keep his heart beating!”

Uncle Tai could not afford to bother with Soojin any longer. He immediately walked over to the bedside and in a more refined manner, he began transferring his body’s chi into Hanbin’s body. Through his perception of mental strength as well as chi, Uncle Tai could also feel the life force slowly drain out from Hanbin’s body. Despite this, he continued pouring out his strength into the young master.

“If I cannot save the young master by the end of today, I will pay for the loss of his life with my own!” said Seungwon as he put down his hand powerlessly.

Uncle Tai glanced at the dark mist that was gradually forming above Hanbin’s face. An indescribable pain swelled up in his chest. The young master was still alive and full of energy not even an hour ago. Even though he couldn’t lift his legs, he was still conscious and healthy.

His mind stopped registering what Seungwon said from then on. It was as if the two people who were in the same room as him had stopped existing.

Death permeated through the air in the room. Seconds passed by like hours as they stared wide-eyed at Hanbin as life slowly flowed out of his body.

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