Chapter 4

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A/N: Looks like we got to 10 votes. Round if applause for you. I thank you for reading this. So half of this will be from Lila's P.O.V the other from Harry's okay? Okay.


What lay before my eyes was so beautiful. Candles lined the walk way and rose petals were all on the pathway. I was at a loss for words. All I could do was smile like an idiot. "Har-ry this..its..oh my..I love it." He grinned, a full dimpled grin. "I knew you would. Now lets see what's at the end of the rose petal road." He and I both chuckled at his joke. Hand in hand, we walked together.

The surprise at the end was even more breathtaking than the walkway. There was a big fort that was outlined with candles. Inside lay a HUGE picnic basket and pillows were piled in there. Rose petals littered the ground and wine of every kind was there. This was beautiful. Before I could stop myself, I cried. Harry looked at me, confused. "Is it really that bad?" He questioned. I nodded my head no. "It's gorgeous, but I don't deserve this. Damn." I quickly dried my eyes and walked to the picnic. This had to be a dream.

"Just go ahead and pinch me. This isn't real." I giggled. Harry smirked and chuckled quietly to himself. "It is pretty amazing huh?" I playfully hit his arm. He had no idea how magical this all was.

Not just the appearance was amazing. The food was like heaven. Dear god. Harry cooked all of it too. Who knew the man could cook? Harry was thrilled when I told him I loved everything, especially the food. We had opened basically all the wine bottles. Surprise, surprise. "Harry, thisisreallygreat." When I was drunk my words slurred together. He chuckled at my drunk state. Revealing his dimples yet again. Those things were such a turn on. They would be the death of me.

For a while, we sat in silence. Cuddled up and looking at the starry sky. "Lila," Harry whispered in my ear, "will you please forgive me for everything I've ever done to you?" He was serious, even if he was drunk. I nodded my head yes and ran my hand through his curls. "Harry, why did you put me through that?" His eyes clouded over and he turned away.

"C'mon over here Lila." He patter to the grass beside him. I sauntered over and laid beside him. "The thing is, I made a promise to someone, someone who is gone now, that I would never love another girl." I nodded. He continued, "I realized that maybe, she would want me to be happy in a relationship, rather than my happiness being from hurting you." His eyes began to fill with tears. "I asked her to forgive me, but you need the love." Again, I nodded. "Then, I got to thinking, maybe you don't want me. So I decided to win you back over. This way you will stay mine and mine only. Harry doesn't share." I slightly chuckled. I turned over and kissed his cheek. "It's okay Harry. Don't stress. All that matters is that you're back to normal." He smiled his deep dimple smile again.

His emerald orbs locked with mine. And for a while that's all we did. I took in his angelic face, while he took in mine. "Li, I have another surprise for you." I smiled. "Let's see it Harry." He got up and went behind the fort. When he came back, he held an acoustic guitar in his arms. "I will now sing to you, love." I smiled so widely. Harry used to sing me to sleep every night, but that was ages ago. I missed his voice. Harry strummed a few chords before singing.


Harry's P.O.V:

The look on Lila's face was priceless when I brought out the guitar. She had always love when I sang to her. Tonight, Lila looked like a princess. She was beautiful. Her ocean blue eyes and her dark brown hair was a gorgeous combination. How could I have forgotten how breathtaking she was? Her neck was illuminated by the candles I still couldn't believe I had almost killed her. I sat down on the ground and began strumming.

"I never thought that you would be the one to hold my heart." This was one of Lila's favorites. I continued singing, "How many times will you let me change my mind and turn around? I ant decide if I'll let you save my life, or if I'll drown." She began to tear up. I smiled at her and she smiled back. "You put your arms around me, and I believe that it's easier for you to let me go. I hope that you see right through my walls. I hope that you catch me, cos I'm already fallin'." I finished the song and by the en is as tearing up also.

When I was finished, Lila clapped for me and came and hugged me. I became lost in her touch and her smell. One I couldn't forget. "Harry, thank you." Her words were quiet, but I still heard them.

I have no clue how my feeling for her could change so quickly, but I didn't wanna lose her. She belonged with my. I could feel it in my being. Every fiber of my body beat for her. I could feel that she needed to be mine in my bones. "I promise I will protect you princess." She looked up at me and smiled. I leaned down and we kissed. Not a make out type of kiss, just a kiss you didn't want to end. Lila was my everything, and I just now realized it.

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