Chapter ten

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A/N: I appreciate you guys for reading my story. It means a lot. This chapter may be just a little emotional. I warned you so yeah. Read @NarrysWh0re 's fanfic pweaseeee.


Mumbling voices were talking above me. I could feel at least two other people in the atmosphere. My eyes shot open and I sat upright. Instantly, I regretted it. A sharp pain began in my side. "Damn." I muttered. The two voices stopped talking. "Good, you're awake." A man's voice I presumed. I looked up and to my sides were a male doctor and female doctor. So, I wasn't dead. "You're going to be staying here for at least 4 days. Is there anyone you want us to call for you?" This time, the female doctor spoke. I shook my head no. "I have a quick question though." The doctors nodded do me to continue. "Why am I here?" They looked at each other. "You were hit by a drunk driver. They car you were in was busted up an it's a miracle you're alive. You should be dead." My jaw basically hit the ground. Was this a joke? Like seriously, there was no way that happened. I laughed out loud. "You guys are funny. Really why am I here?" Their faces turned serious. They weren't joking. Uh-oh. "This is worse than we thought. Hun, what's your name?" This was the male doctor. "My name's... Lila. Yeah it's Lila." It was wasn't it? They shook their head in agreement. "That's correct. Now where are your parents?" I thought for a while. "They are.... They are at home." I was satisfied with the answer. The doctors were obviously not. "I think that you need to go to the rehab center Lila." I laughed. "Why?" The female doctor bit her lip nervously. "It seems that you've lost your memory."

These people were serious stupid. There wasn't a car accident. I can't drive and my parents were home with my brother, just getting home from church. It was Sunday January 23, 2013. Right? "What's the date?" The male nurse spoke first. "It's January 23, 2013. Why?" I shrugged. See I didn't lose my memory. They were creeps. "Look, I really want to go home. So if you'll just excuse me, I'll be out of your hair and on my way." I casually got up and tried walking. My legs gave way and I fell. Hard. "Ow! Uhh, a little help would be nice, docs." They helped me up and laid me back onto the bed. Well this sucks. Was it possible I was in a car accident?

I scanned my body. It was really beat up my arms had burns and cuts, as did my legs. The really weird part was that my hand didn't had scars in an area that looked like someone's hand intwined in mine. That was beyond weird. Could the doctors really be right? Do I lose my memory? That couldn't be the case. I was perfectly fine. I mean, it's possible I was in a car accident, but I definitely hadn't lost my memory.

For 4 while days is at in my hospital bed. Doctors came in and out, scanning me and injecting me with medicine. The food here was awful. Hopefully this 'rehab center' would actually have good food. Everything here tasted like cardboard. It was disgusting. I was ready to leave this place. It really sucked. On Thursday, I was to be taken to the rehab center. The doctors came in with what I assumed were my clothes. Where had they gotten those? To me, they looked like really expensive garments. This couldn't have been mine. My family could barely pay rent. The doctor place them on a chair beside me, and she walked back to the door. "Excuse me, miss?" She looked back at me and raised an eyebrow. "Where did you get these clothes?" It took her a moment before she would respond. I sat there waiting for a reply. "I think a young blonde man came into the ER and said that these were yours. He brought all your clothes too. They will be at the rehab center, along with you." I nodded my head.

A blonde guy? Who the fuck did I know that was blonde? My whole family had jet black hair and my friend Jess had curly red hair. It was really weird. I knew blonde guys, but just not guys that knew my house well enough to get into it. Let alone, guys to care enough about me to do that. Today was becoming even weirder.

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