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My sister is called Charlene.

She's almost 18, but not quite.

She says when she's 18 she can do what she likes and Mum and Dad can't tell her what to do anymore.

I'm scared for when she turns 18.

I don't get to speak to her much anymore.

I don't think she wants to speak to me.

She has better things to do.

I wish I knew what they were.

I get to spend time with her at dinner, because Dad makes her eat with us.

But she doesn't say much.

I ask her how her day was and she tells me it was fine.

She doesn't ask how my day was but I tell her anyway.

I tell her about school and what lessons I had.

I tell her about my friends, and the boy in my class that I have a crush on.

I tell her what my teacher said about how I should start writing more at home.

I don't think she listens though.

She stares at her food, but doesn't eat much.

Then she'll excuse herself and say she has work to do.

Dad will tell her to sit back down.

She protests.

Dad shouts at Charlene.

Mum shouts at Dad.

And I stay quiet.

I want her to stay.

But I also want the shouting to stop.

I know I cannot have both.



This is a bit different to the other stuff that I've written. I'm trying to write it as if it's a young girl talking, which is why the language and sentence structure is quite simple.

Please please please read, vote and comment!
I'd love to hear any opinions or suggestions that you have.

Lots of love x

Charlene (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now