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I told Charlene that I knew who her boyfriend was.

I shouted it through her door when she wouldn't let me in.

When our parents were out.

She opened the door and had mascara stains running down her cheeks.

She shouted at me.

What do you want?

I tried not to cry because I know she didn't mean to shout.

It's the new medication.

It makes her angry.

I didn't know what to say so I just stood, watching her eyes turn fiery.

Until I found some words in my head that I could use.

Why do you let him treat you like this?

And she crouched down to my level and looked me straight in the eyes.

Because sometimes we have to make sacrifices for love.

I wasn't pleased with the answer, but it was the most she'd talked to me in weeks.

I was pleased with that.

And so then she shut the door.

I was still stood outside it.

And I whispered to her.

Please don't sacrifice yourself.

I don't know if she heard me, or if she just didn't want to speak to me anymore.

But she didn't reply.

Charlene (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now