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It's Charlene's birthday today.

Earlier, me, Mum and Dad snuck into her room to wake her up and give her presents.

She didn't seem too pleased to be woken up early, I don't know why though on her birthday!

We all sang 'happy birthday' to her, and she rolled onto her side and covered her face in her hands.

I jumped onto her bed and hugged her.

She didn't shout at me to get off which I was pleased about.

There were a lot of cards from aunties and uncles and grandparents and cousins.

She got some new clothes, and posters for her room.

We got her a new laptop, which she was pleased with.

Although she already knew that we had got it for her.

Mum announced that she was making pancakes for breakfast.

I love Mum's pancakes.

She told me that her secret ingredient is a sprinkle of cinnamon.

None of us shouted or argued.

Dad didn't mention tonight.

We could be the happy family that we all want to.

Charlene even hugged me and swirled me round on the way to the kitchen.

She smiled a real smile.

Not the fake kind.

She wasn't pretending, I could tell.

And that made me happy.

I knew that there would be arguments about tonight.

I knew that there would be arguments tomorrow morning about the night before.

But in that moment we were all happy.

And that was enough.

Charlene (on hold)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя