✿ - chapstick confession (m x m)

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the characters i'm using in this prompt are win and team from "until we meet again"

for context : win is team's senior in uni, and they're both from the swimming team (that was how they met). win often tutors team since he isn't a big fan of studying. the picture at the top is how they look like irl (win on the left, team on the right)


  the cool and calm evening breeze brushes win's face, allowing him to sigh in contentment. the quiet rooftop was empty apart from the both of them, and it was relaxing. he was at team's apartment for another tutoring session, just like usual. they were taking a break to watch the sunset, just like usual. he glances over to the right, where team was staring off into the sunset, the warm rays of sunlight casting small shadows on his delicate facial features.  the smallest hint of blush was showing through his puffy cheeks, making him look as cute as ever. he looked lost in thought and had a confused gaze on his face. 

  "what's on your mind?" win asks, staring at his fidgeting fingers. team was definitely acting a bit unusual today, often losing focus when studying, and he couldn't stay still for longer than a minute, which was not his usual concentrated self. team's head swivels around to face him, and their eyes meet shortly, before he turns away awkwardly. "a lot happened today, i flunked a big exam, got last place for the swimming contest, and almost drowned." he sulks, pulling at his hoodie strings sadly.

 win chuckles softly, slinging his arm around team's shoulders and using his free hand to ruffle his hair lovingly. team's first instinct was to lean into his touch, resting his head on win's shoulder, breathing in the comforting smell of cologne and mint, with a hint of pool chlorine from all the swimming. "hey, this is life, it can't be perfect all the time." win answered, watching as the sun lowered slowly and the night sky caving in, the occasional faint honking and roars from the cars and motorcycles from the road hundreds of feet below them giving off a strangely peaceful vibe. an incoherent sound escapes team's lips, which sounded like a form of agreeing. 

as they trail off into silence, team stares up at win, admiring his sharp jawline, full lips, and big eyes. truly god's masterpiece. his eyes trail to his ear, which was lined with bulky earrings that dangled at win's every move. he smiles unconsciously.

 "i'm slightly confused about something." team blurts out suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence that formed between them. win murmured a "hm?", not looking away from admiring the alluring sunset. team sits up reluctantly and faces him, the gesture finally making win turn to look at him. team's heart bangs wildly against his ribcage, and he takes a deep breath before starting.

"so um, there's this weird feeling i experience whenever you're with me. i love the way you laugh at the stupidest jokes, and how you offer to tutor me when you notice that i'm struggling with my studies. uh, and i usually hate any signs of skin contact, but with you, i find these interactions enjoyable, although these are probably just platonic actions. i may not show it, but i like being around you. you're annoying and extremely difficult to bear," 

he pauses. win's expression is unreadable. 

he then continues, "but you're also kind, charming, and engaging. this may mean nothing to you, oh hell, this means nothing to you at all. i'll just say it before i don't get a chance to anymore. i like you win. love even, maybe," team finally exhales a huge sigh of relief, glad that he had confessed his true feelings once and for all. "there. that's really what's been on my mind." 

he realises that win has yet to respond, so he glances at him gingerly. win has his mouth slightly agape, and his cheeks have the faintest hint of red, which was an extremely rare sight.

"my lips are really dry." win finally speaks, clearing his throat, which was a response team was not expecting. he turns to his bag and zips it open, reaching in for something. team's heart shatters and he turns away, enduring the urge to bawl his eyes out. he just got rejected in the stupidest way possible, and he was feeling embarrassed, stunned, and in despair. was he supposed to leave now? is this the cue? a barrel of thoughts flowed through his head as he eyed the wheelchair, debating his next move. a small tap on team's shoulder brought him back to reality. he whips his head around, only to see win closing the cap of a chapstick tube. win stares at team's lips for a second. "your lips look pretty dry too."

it takes a second before he cups team's face and leans forward, pressing his lips against his, spreading a soothing warmth across the slightly chapped skin. team's eyes widened in shock, but didn't pull back. win was kissing him. warmth blossomed in his chest, his pillowy lips felt perfect against his, and he could feel the soft tickle of win's breath beneath his nose. he could taste the artificial strawberry taste from the cheap chapstick win had applied on earlier, his eyes shutting slowly and his fingers went up to the blonde's hair, threading through it. 

the kiss was finally broken, and team lays his head on win's shoulder blissfully. a warm teardrop of happiness escapes from his eye, making win snicker softly, bringing his hand up to wipe it away gently, his heart so full of love and joy at this point. 

"you big baby. also, if you couldn't tell, that was an accurate representation of me telling you 'yes, i love you too, i always have. now date me.'"


a/n : tbh i hate this cheesy scrap or whatever, im sorry for this :"  

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