Chapter 5: Searching

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The ground beneath their feet falls apart, brick by brick tearing away into the void below. Spiked balls of steel circle around them from the aether. In the center of the platform lays BOWSER, wounded, but as yet undefeated.

MARIO, still tired from their previous fight, moves in for the final blow. Pushing up his sleeve, flames spark at his fingertips.

[BOWSER] laughing and coughing
"Ohh... You're one step closer... but still a thousand steps behind..."

BOWSER grunts as he gets to his feet, staring down at the lowly human.

"But this step... while not your last... will only bring you closer to your end."

MARIO stares up at him, sheer determination burning in his eyes as flames engulf his fist.

[MARIO] winded
"So long as my journey ends... with you in a can of turtle soup... I'd be fine with that..."

[BOWSER] amused
"Stubborn... to the last!"

Attempting a final strike of his own, BOWSER lashes his tail out like a whip. But MARIO kicks off the ground before the attack could hit. Jumping into the air, getting as close as he could, MARIO let the flames catch his whole arm and delivered the final blow to BOWSER'S head.

In a flash of light and sparks, glowing dust that hung in the air, MARIO crashes into the ground.

And as he steadies himself, letting the flames die, he turns to see his opponent evaporate into little twinkling lights. In his place, was a shinning golden star, hovering just a foot off the ground.

MARIO reaches for it.

[BOWSER] off screen
"Stubborn... but foolish."

MARIO flinches.

[BOWSER] off screen
"It is your end you walk towards... but it is the end of a path, by my design."

Shocked that he hadn't actually defeated BOWSER, MARIO falls to his knees, staring at his reflection in the star's surface as BOWSER's laughter echoes around him.


End Credits


Luigi looked out at the Atlantic, the onboard TV going to commercial after the latest episode. He absentmindedly clicked it off.

"I guess y' kept that part," he mumbled, watching the ocean waves.

He was glad to be lucky enough that no one was seated next to him, he didn't want to be bombarded with questions about the similarities between him and his brother. He'd had enough of that just trying to get through the airport, and that was already something he'd never liked.

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