Chapter 8: Brighter Days

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BOWSER, much older and weaker than his clones, sits on his throne. He holds himself, tired, defeated, as he looks on at MARIO who stands before him. Once again they've faced in battle, and once again MARIO was the victor.

Furious, BOWSER pounded a fist on the arm of the throne he'd retreated to. His castle slowly crumbles around him.

[BOWSER] struggling to breathe
"Nooo! It can't be!... You've really beaten me, Mario...?"

"That's the end, Bowser. No extra lives, no tricks, no more last ditch efforts. Accept it... it's over."

BOWSER shook his head, turning his gaze to the cold floor.

[BOWSER] withering
"My troops... my Kingdom... I can feel it slipping away..."

[MARIO] walking to BOWSER
"It was never yours."

"I wish you could see this world as I do, Mario..."

BOWSER fights to correct himself in his chair. He watches chunks of brick fall away from his castle, a clear sky shinning through the darkness.

[BOWSER] numb, slow, a little sad
"At least, watch it with me... See what you have... taken from me..."

MARIO turns and stands beside BOWSER, looking up at the sky. The room they're in is nearly gone now, barely any wall left just behind them. The Mushroom Kingdom can be seen from where they are. Peace, is at last returning to the land.

"If only you could see what you took from them."

He looks back at BOWSER, the dragon turtle's crippled body retreating into it's shell. Hollow, it clatters to the floor, cracking. Taking out the letter he'd kept in his pocket all this time, he sets it on the throne. It was his, after all; a trap to lure MARIO here.

Then he walks away, returning to PEACH's castle far below.




MARIO lands with his feet on the ground, standing in front of the bridge leading up to the castle. He looks up, staring at the stained glass window that stood above the grand entrance. It was an image of the Princess herself, and in the air in front of it a ball of light began to glow.

All around him, the power stars that he'd collected from each world begun to spin in a circle. They flew up to the ball of light, adding to it's glow. It grew and grew, until suddenly it shattered.

And there, floating down towards him, was PRINCESS PEACH, free at last.

TOADs began climbing out of the water, shaking themselves off as their curses broke. Free from their brick prisons, as the PRINCESS was freed from hers.

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