Chapter 2

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On the road out of Imp City, Millie is driving the company van with the Stolas' grimoire laying next to her. After a little discussion, Millie decides to deliver the book to Stolas while Moxxie and Loona watch over Blitz and see if there's anything they'll need for Blitz.

Millie says to herself, "I sure hope Stolas is not too busy. I'm sure he wouldn't mind me delivering the book, and I'm sure he'll understand when he hears Blitz isn't able to visit tonight."

Soon enough, Millie arrives in front of the Goetia mansion. She parks the car in front and climbs out to deliver the book. Millie walks up the stairs and to the front door. She then knocks on the door and waits for someone to answer.

The door soon opens to reveal one of the Imp servants of the mansion.

"Hello Mrs. Millie," The servant says.

"Hi. I'm here to visit Prince Stolas, is he here?" Millie asks with a big smile on her face.

"The prince is in a very important meeting so he is unable to see any visitors as of now," The servant says.

"Oh," Millie replies.

Then present the book, "Well, can you give Stolas back his book and let him know that Blitz is unable to come over tonight. He has the flu and needs his rest."

"Of course," The servant says, and takes the book, "I'll be sure to deliver it to him once he's done with his meeting."

"Thanks. See you around," Millie happily says and leaves the scene.

Millie hops into the van and drives off. The servant then closes the door so he can deliver the book and the message to Stolas when he's done with his meeting.

Back in Blitz' apartment, Loona is looking for stuff online, mainly on how to help Blitz get well, due to Moxxie's pestering into helping him out.

Loona groans, "Remind me why am I looking up recipes for different soups?"

"So I'll know what to buy from the store. Chicken soup is usually good to have when you're sick, but I also read that having other soup like leek soup can help too," Moxxie says.

"A leek? How is that supposed to help anyone?" Loona questions in disgust.

"It will help prevent him from getting such and it's healthy and easy for him to eat," Moxxie says.

Loona groans and says, "Fine." Then looks through her phone, "I've already found a few for leek soup and chicken soup so take your pick."

She groans and asks, "What are we doctors?"

"It's not like you can take care of him all by yourself," Moxie sternly says.

"Whatever," Loona says, not paying attention.

Just then, the door opens and Millie steps in, "I'm back."

"Hey Mills, how'd it go?" Loona asks.

"It was fine. Stolas was actually in a meeting so his butler will pass on the information and the book to him," Millie says.

"Well, at least we got one problem solved. Now we just need to worry about Blitz," Loona says.

She groans and says, "This is going to be a big pain in the ass."

"Come on Loona, Blitz needs help. We just need to make sure he eats and gets plenty of sleep, and we just need to check on him every once in a while," Millie says.

"Yeah Yeah," Loona says, rolling her eyes.

Moxxie then walks to Blitz's bedroom door, "I'll go check on him, then we can go to the store to get a few things."

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