Chapter 5

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In the warehouse, Striker is waiting patiently for Stolas to show up to finish the job. He turns his head to see Blitz barely keeping his eyes open, still restrained to the metal support beam and gagged around his mouth. He smirks and walks towards Blitz with an evil smirk on his face. He gets down to one knee and uses his tail to coil around his neck, but not enough to put any pressure. Then his tail lets out a rattling sound. Blitz slowly wakes a bit with him feeling dizzy, and begins to get shivers on his spine to hear the rattling.

"It won't be long now, Blitz. I'm sure the prince will be here very soon," Striker says.

Blitz struggles in his restraints and tries to cry out through the cloth over his mouth. However, he's still weak and sick to put much force and coughs rapidly under the cloth.

"There's no use struggling, pretty soon you and your little prince won't be lasting long the minute he steps in the warehouse," Striker says.

Blitz is barely able to hear this and continues to struggle, despite his sickness getting work.

"Of course, the officer I have still stands. If you work along with me, you might be able to stay alive," Striker says.

Then Striker's tail slithers under Blitz's chin and rubs against it.

"After all, I still think it's embarrassing that you're wasting a lot of potential relying on a couple of weak little vermin, and working for a bunch of bitter sinners," Striker says.

Then places his hand on Blitz's cheek and says, "We might actually make a very good team, Blitz."

Blitz is stunned despite the condition he is in and Striker still has the offer for him. Blitz figures that if he does work for Striker, it will be easy for him to kill Stolas, and might be easy for him to kill the others, and the company he worked hard to make will be no more.

Before the one sided conversation can continue, the door opens, and begins to hear the sound of footsteps. Blitz tries to turn his head to see who it is, but is unable to. Striker however, smirks to see the tall figure wearing a cloak and wearing a familiar top hat. The one to stop in is assumed to be Stolas who has come, alone, without the others.

"Looks like it's time for a little huntin," Striker says, and brings out his angelic weapon.

Striker then stands up and walks towards the figure, relaxing his tails from Blitz's neck and chin. Blitz begins struggling the best he can to break out of his restraint, but isn't able to break free, and unable to cry out because of the cloth gagging his mouth.

Striker walks toward him and says, "I knew you would show up eventually. Of course, since I have your precious little plaything. However..." Then brings out his angelic gun, "I suggest you stay where you are and don't try anything funny business."

Then points his gun at the supposed owl demon prince. Stolas doesn't say a word and remains where he is, not moving an inch.

"Well then, have any last words," Striker questions with a smirk on his face.

"Just this, partner," A different voice speaks up.

Then hears a gun click, and turns to see Moxxie holding two guns and having them pointing at Striker.

"Well well, if it isn't the weak little Imp," Striker says.

Then turns to the supposed Striker, "Which means..."

The hat and cloak has been removed to reveal Loona and Millie, disguised as Stolas. Millie also brings out two sharp daggers.

"Should have figured you would try to rescue your clown of a boss," Striker says.

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