Chapter 1

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and opened it. She pulled out the slender black wand with a Dumortierite (bright blue, dark blue or greenish-blue mineral) handle that lay against the midnight black velvet. She gently raised the wand, and tapped her hand.

"Brackium Emendo." She started softly, biting her lip as the bones reformed together. Just as she was putting the wand and its box away, someone banged on the door of the storage closet.

"Get up you little bitch! We have company coming over and I want you at least presentable when they arrive!"

"Yes Aunt Helena..." Celia replied softly, as she stood and put on ivory tights, a gray plaid knee length skirt, a light cream long sleeve blouse with a bow at the waist, and steel gray pumps. She then brushed through her slightly wavy light auburn hair, and pinned part of it back, tying it into place with a cream bow the same color as her blouse. She took a calming breath, and left the storage closet just as her aunt opened the front door, letting a tall man dressed in black robes and an older woman dressed in emerald green robes into the house.

"Minerva, Severus, lovely to see you again." Helena gushed, ushering them into the front room.

"We aren't here for pleasantries Helena." Professor Mcgonogal stated curtly. " Why isn't Celia and Roland's daughter enrolled in Hogwarts yet? She was sent letters for the past 5 years and nothing has come from them." She continued.

" a squib. She possesses no magic..."

"That is a lie Helena." Professor Snape stated. "We all know that. Where is she, anyway?"

"I...I am here...Uncle Severus..." Celia stated softly, walking into the hallway.

"Celia, would you like to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?" Professor Mcgonogal asked gently.

"I...I would love nothing more, Madam." She paused. "But I can't..." She continued. Her aunt smiled.

"Why can't you attend Hogwarts?" Professor Snape asked, his black eyes focusing on her baby blue ones.

"B-Because...Aunt Helena...won't allow me to...and she needs me here...with Uncle Damian off on a work place is here...I'm sorry..." Her soft musical voice rang off the walls, as she looked down and away from the two professors.

"This is unacceptable!!" Snape stated angrily. "Helena, you can't just stop her from getting an education! She WILL be attending Hogwarts this year."


"It's a shame then..." Professor Mcgonogal stated, "That she has been removed from your custody and you no longer have a say in her life." Celia smiled and looked up. Helena glared.

"NO! I don't care WHO you got to care for the little bitch! She ISN'T"T LEAVING THIS HOUSE!!"

'Yes She will. You lost the right to control her life THE MOMENT you started hurting her!" a gruff voice stated from the front door. Celia smiled brightly as two men walked in the door.

"U-Uncle Sirius...U-Uncle Remus..." She gasped, tears forming in her eyes as she disapparated out of her seat and over to her uncles. They both embraced her tightly as she cried into their shirts.

"'re ok Lia...It's ok...." Sirius stated gently, rubbing his niece's back.

"Oh, So you got the Veela bitch's brother and his mutt of a husband to come to the little bitch's rescue? How cute." Helena sneered. Remus glared at her, and gently handed Celia off to Sirius, he stalked over towards Helena.

"If you EVER disrespect my sister or my niece in front of me again that will be the last thing you EVER do. DO YOU UNDERSTAND me?!" Remus asked angrily, pointing his wand at Helena. She pointed her wand back.

"HOW DARE YOU yell at me in my own house filthy Mongrel! I am at full right to disrespect the bitch who spelled my brother into falling for her and giving life to that monstrosity! SHE SHOULDN'T EXIST!" Helena screamed. "ACCIO CELIA VELARYON!" She screamed again, pointing her wand at Celia.

The magic from Helena's wand ripped Celia from Sirius and over towards Helena.

" please Aunt Helena...I haven't done anything...please no..." Celia begged, but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

"Immobulus." Helena stated, freezing everyone in the room in place. She then pointed her wand at Celia again.

"Please Aunt Helena...please no...." Celia whispered fearfully.

"Shut up. I've had enough of you." Helena stated angrily. "Sectumsempra!" Celia screamed, crumpling to the ground as an invisible sword slashed at her.

"NO!!!" Sirius, Remus, and Severus screamed. Helena ignored them, pointing her wand at Celia again.

"CRUCIO!" Helena stated. Celia screamed again, and Helena smirked, watching the girl writhe in pain. Even after the spells ended, Celia was still crying, but for a different reason.

"Stop...stop...don't...I...I didn't mean it..." She cried, clasping her hands over her ears. "Mama...Daddy...I'm sorry....I couldn't save you....please...Ms....I'm sorry....Go away....just please go away...." She cried, curling into a ball, trying to hide from the world. Snape disarmed Helena of her wand, and put her in a full body bind, as Sirius and Remus went over to Celia to calm her down. As they neared her, She passed out. Remus gently picked her up and held her against him and brought her over to Severus.

"What did you do Helena?" He asked darkly, as Snape healed his niece.

"I simply gave her what she deserved. Afterall, it is her fault my brother is dead. Why shouldn't she feel the pain due her?" Helena asked hotly.

"Using such spells on a young girl her simply horrendous!" Mcgonogal stated.

"She is 17. She should be able to handle it." Severus finished healing Celia, handed her back to Remus, and stalked towards Helena.

"If you EVER hurt my Goddaughter in such a manner as this again, I will not hesitate to allow Remus and Sirius to mutilate you before I kill you with my bare hands. Is that understood?!" He growled.

"Sev, We need to get her things..." Sirius stated, placing his hand on Snape's shoulder. "We need to ask where Lia's things are..."

"No need..." Remus stated. "They're in the storage closet."

After releasing Helena, Snape and Sirius went into the storage closet. Both stood aghast at the living conditions the 17 year old had to live in, before they shrank all her belongings, and set them into the dark brown arched steamer trunk with engravings of hydrangeas. The men carried it out of the house, and Remus with Celia in his arms, and Professor Mcgonogal followed, before turning back to Helena.

"I can;t believe you would do something like this Helena. I expected better of you. As your previous head of house...I am very disappointed in you." She stated, fighting back tears.

Helena scoffed, and slammed the door in Professor Mcgonogal's face. She shook her head, and followed the three men out of the town.

*A/N so, this may seem a bit weird...but the Marauders are a bit different here... Snape, Sirius, Remus, Celena and Roland are similar to the Marauders, but they aren't exactly the same. Please don't hate me for it. James and Lilly are in another group which are actually called the Marauders. Thanks for reading!!! Ch 2 coming soon!*

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