Chapter 2

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When they were well enough away, They dissapperated and reappeared in front of a two story house with about 27 windows and two outdoor staircases in the middle of the forest. Remus went straight up the stairs, opened the door, and laid Celia on a freshly maid crisp cream colored comforter in a rather large cream and light brown cottage core style room. Sirius and Severus came in moments later, setting the trunk at the foot of the bed. All three men stepped out, and stood in the hallway.

" we wait for her to wake up and then we talk about what happened or...." Sirius began.

"No. Let the little one sleep Sirius. She's been through enough for today." Severus stated. Remus nodded, and led his husband and friend away from Celia's room.

5 hours later, Celia awoke, extremely disoriented and dizzy. When she regained her whits, she slipped off her heels, set them down, and quietly walked out of the room and down the stairs. She stopped in the doorway of the front room, and watched as her uncles attempted to play War (a card game that your author thoroughly enjoys).

"Same card!" Sirius stated. "Remus, Severus, you have to declare war." Severus and Remus complied.

They placed 3 cards face down, then on the 4th, placed it face up. Severus' card changed to a number higher than Remus'.

"That's cheating Severus! You cheated!" Remus stated, in all seriousness. The three men began fighting, and Celia giggled.

Upon hearing the light musical silvery laugh the men looked over, and Celia slipped behind the wall.

"You can come in, Lia." Sirius stated. Celia slowly entered the room, looking down.

"I...I didn't mean to intrude..." She stated softly, "I know you were playing your game...and I interrupted...i'm sorry...." She lowered her head even more. Her uncles stared at her in disbelief.

"You didn't interrupt our game. We were waiting for you, Lia..." Remus stated gently. "Why don't you come sit down and we can all talk this out." Celia nodded and sat on the hardwood floor away from the couches and the rug.

"Lia...why are you sitting there?" Severus asked, concerned.

"Aunt Helena would have my head if....if she knew i sat on furniture or a rug...that wasn;t in my don't want any trouble...especially if she knows i'm not in the house...she'll have my head for sure..." She replied softly, looking down at her lap and fiddling with the small silver snake bracelet on her wrist.

"You don't have to worry about Helena anymore, Lia. She can't hurt you...and she never will again." Sirius replied, as he stood and walked over to his niece, picked her up, and set her down on the couch.

"W-What do you mean Uncle Sirius? Is she dead?!" Celia shrieked, jumping up from the couch.

"Wha...Lia no..." Remus began, Celia's head snapped up.

"If she's not dead...then...what happened?" Celia asked as she sat back down.

The three men shared a look, then turned towards Celia.

"You were taken from her custody, and put into ours. She won't hurt you again Lia..."

"So...I get to live here...with you?" She asked hesitantly.

"That's exactly what that means." Remus replied. A small smile spread across Celia's face.

"Not...that I'm not grateful for what you have done, but...why now?" She asked softly.

"We were under the impression she was taking care of you Lia..we had no idea how bad it was...if we knew we would have come for you sooner." Remus replied gently. Celia nodded.

"I happens now?"

"You'll stay here with Remus and Sirius for a few weeks then you'll start at Hogwarts..."

"But...Uncle Severus...why can't I stay with you? You are after all my godfather..." She paused, " I'm terribly sorry...that was rude.."

"No Lia, that wasn't rude. You have every right to ask that question." Remus replied, hugging her tightly.

Snape hesitates, then replies.

"You will stay with Sirius and Remus FOR NOW because I still have some things to take care of before you can come stay with me. It should all be taken care of by the Winter Holiday when we'll be able to move you in. And besides, before all that you'll see me at Hogwarts. I'll always be here for you, my little Khalissi. I promise." Severus said gently.

Celia didn't say anything, but launched herself at the man, hugging him tightly.

"I love you," She whispered.

"I love you too." He whispered back.

Time Skip to Dinner

"Lia, did you go to a proper school when you were living with Helena?" Remus asked.

"Well...No Uncle Remus. I haven't been to school since Mama and dad died." The three men's jaws dropped. "But mama and Dad taught me the basics of magic, reading, writing...all of that. Not to mention I've read all of their books during their time at Hogwarts and afterwards, even though Aunt Helena and uncle Daimian forbade it." She continued.

"I'm very proud of you pup. Lina and Roland would be more than proud to see all you've done." Sirius said with a small smile. He then muttered some unkind things about Helena under his breath, earning an elbow in the ribs from Remus.

"Celia, You said you taught yourself magic...Do you have a wand?" Seveus asked.

"Yes I do. Mama and Dad took me to a wand maker named Cassandra Koestler in the moors of Scotland when I was 8, before we moved to Ilkley. She and dad taught me how to use it out of their old school books. And I taught myself after...they um...passed on." She replied, purposefully leaving out the fact that she knows not only the easy spells, but the more difficult higher level ones as well.

The conversation was soon diverted after that, and they made a plan for what they were going to do the next day. After that, they all put up their now empty dishes,and went to bed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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