Chapter 1

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There she was, standing out the front of their usual café in a bright floral sundress. She was beautiful—even when she was standing on the sidewalk, staring at her phone; even when she was oblivious that anyone was watching. But when she saw him ... oh, boy. He walked towards her, fixing a smile on his face as he pulled his shirt smooth. He hoped he looked as good as she did. 

As if she could sense his presence, she turned and spotted him easily amid the growing crowd. A smile which melted his heart crawled effortlessly onto her face. No other woman could do that to him.

'Sorry,' he said as he took her hand in his. 'I was running late, and my father wanted to discuss matters, and then I got held up by the crowd, and ...' he stopped himself; she was still smiling. 'I'm sorry.'

She laughed, and he found himself copying her without realizing.

'It's fine.' She tucked a loose curl of her brilliantly brown hair behind her ear. 'I'm just glad you finally showed up.'

'I wouldn't dare miss an opportunity to see you. You know that.'

She flashed him another smile and he gestured that they should enter the café. She led the way to the table by the window—her favourite—and he quickly pulled her seat out for her. His efforts were rewarded with a subdued giggle, but that was all he needed; he'd do anything to hear her laugh.

'So, what did your father wish to discuss?' she asked as he sat. 'It better be important if you were willing to keep me waiting.'

She said it with a sly smile, but he focused on her hazel eyes instead. They were practically glowing with mischief in the midday light, and he found himself becoming lost in the layers which slowly revealed themselves.

'Oh, you know how it is.' He waved his hand aimlessly as he sought the right words. 'Family stuff,' was all he could find.

The moment the words left his mouth, he noticed the change in her attitude. The glint in her eyes was replaced by a steely gaze. Her dazzling smile transformed to a slight frown, the likes of which set his heart galloping in fear. She sat back, her arms falling from the tabletop and becoming crossed over her chest, protecting her heart. She was unimpressed.

'Why can't you tell me?' The way she said it hurt him deeply. 'You always do this. You always have family matters—more than most families—but you never want to include me in them. Why Barc?'

No words sprang to his mind. He sat chewing on his bottom lip, his mind searching for a way to divert the matter but failing hopelessly. He often found himself lost for words around her.

'Do you not want me to meet them? Or to be a part of your family?' She paused, and he quickly cut in.

'Of course I want you to.' He reached across the tabletop, his palm upwards. She sighed and placed her hand in his. Her skin was smooth and warm. 'Right now, things are ... complicated. My family is complicated. I don't want you worrying about trying to fit in, or worrying about what they'll think of you, or any of that just yet. For now, all I want you to worry about is us. They will come later—I promise.'

He could see her mulling over his words. She wasn't happy about not meeting his parents or knowing much about them—but she had accepted it when they first started dating. Now, after two and a half years, discussions like this were becoming more frequent. It was only a matter of time before he had to find a way to introduce her to his father.

'Maddie.' She looked up, and the sun caught her eyes perfectly—he couldn't help but smile. 'I do love you. Honestly.'

She rolled her eyes. 'Some days I do wonder.' Her fleeting smile told him all he needed to know. It was okay.

'Shall we order now? Do you want the usual—it's my treat?'

She leant forward and batted her eyelids, squeezing his hand as she spoke. 'It is the least you can do. You were late, and now you're being mysterious yet again. I'm beginning to wonder why I fell for you.'

He winked at her as he stood. 'Because I'm a gentleman.' She laughed and diverted her gaze to the window, and he walked to the till with a spring in his step. He'd do anything to hear that.

/ END /

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