Magic Knight Exam pt. 2

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Asano POV
When all the birds retreated the captain who stood in between of alls the captains spoke "welcome ....... " When he gave his speech I didn't bother to pay attention so I spaced out when I heard him say "there will be 3 parts for the exam they will be explained as the exam continues" Then they all sit down then he says "World Tree Magic : Decent" When he says this a huge tree appears and it's roots start to form brooms and hands them to everyone present here I also get 1 when he says again "you need to hover using your broom" When I stand on it and it start to fly in the air when I see yuno also started flying with me when I went a little faster Daisuke was also flying but not as high as me and yuno when we saw asta he said "AHHH WHY CAN'T I FLY" All the people present their looked at him even the captains the examines started to laugh at asta but we didn't Daisuke was trying hard to control his laughter when the weird mask captain finally spoke "the second part of the exam is to shoot at the slab" When slabs start to appear in front of us yuno launches a tornado from his palm, asta uses his sword, Daisuke uses his wind element to destroy the slab whereas I calmly say "Meian magic : light beam "as a yellow coloured beam appear and shoots out from my pointer finger's tips.
When the masked captain vengeance says " The third part of the exam is
One on one" As he says this all the examines gather on the outside of the circular stage when man named sekke approaches asta and asked him to fight him and so they did asta took his sword out and smackes sekke plain on the floor then was yuno's fight with a noble salim yuno sent a large tornado towards him and the tornado absorbs salim's attack and uses its and his tornado's force on salim and K.O'ed him next was Daisuke's fight he was fighting a boy his name was haru they started fighting haru used his magic to send some kind of needles towards Daisuke but Daisuke used his magic to earth element and mad a wall to block the needles then he used the same to make a wall around haru and the hold him in the prison but haru makes his 1 needle larger and breaks out of the prison he then uses the same needle to attack Daisuke so Daisuke changes elements to wind and stops his attack he then uses wind and sends a Attack towards haru which he doesn't see and gets knocked out....

Daisuke POV
As I finished my fight it was Asano-kun's turn I was so exited I mean he will win even without breaking a sweat he is just that awesome.....

Asano POV
When Daisuke's fight was going on a arrogant boy walked up to me and said "hey you you look strong fight me" He said more like ordered so I thought that no one else is gonna fight me so let's just fry him only I replied "oh ok then" When I said that daisuke's fight ended he won and the boy said we are next as we walked in the center the ref. Said "ready" We nodded then the ref. Said "ok then STARTTT" As he said that the boy took out jis grimore and it's pages flipped and opened at a specific page then he said "haha get ready to be beaten Cloth magic : great solin prison" As he said that a cloth prison prisoned me in I got to know his name was solin so I sighed and said "meian magic : light flame" As I said that his cloth prison was set on shinning yellow fire I said again "meian magic : light prison" As I said that a shinning prison formed around solin and I made a lose fist and started to tighten it as I did that the prison also started shrinking as it did he fainted and I dispelled the prison and the ref announced me as the winner I walked back to my group and stood there as the next pair went when Daisuke started pestering me and so did asta they bombarded me with questions and compliments "that was amazing asano-kun" Said Daisuke "yes yes it was and I want you to fight me pls I wanna test myself " Said asta as I was ignoring them both I looked towards yuno and saw him quietly standing there so I went
Over to him and stood with him the two stopped blabbering and also stood after all the matches the ref explained how we were gonna be chosen and bla blah bla..... "No.1" The ref said and the no. Went so on.... The next no. Was asta's "no.100" The ref said and all the scene happened then it was yuno's turn "no.101" Said ref yuno choose golden dawn then it was my turn "no.102" Said ref "here" I said as I stepped forward all the captains raised hand everyone once again shocked then I said "I choose golden dawn" Then I went to stand with yuno next was Daisuke "no.103" Ref said Daisuke stepped forward all the captains except vengeance raised hands Daisuke sighed and choose crimson lions as he went there......

Word count = 917

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