prologue (Devastation)

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Jason stared out the window he watched the school courtyard below. Students were running through it trying to get too there classes this school had a big wall that surrounded its premises with a large iron gate that had just closed.

"Most be eight o'clock already" Jason smiled this school was special it was primarily Military focused it was Jason's third year here he joined when he was 16.

As Jason was lost in thought the teacher walked into the class room. He said no words only went and sat at his desk when he got there he cleared his throat.

"Alright class 32B here is your schedule for today" The class wenr silent waiting for there orders.

" At nine you'll have Energy rifle training till eleven at eleven thirty too, one thirty you'll have close combat exercises at two is tactical analysis lessons till Three after which you'll run the training course till the end of the day... any questions" No one said a word.

"Good as you were" With that Jason stood picking up a case and walked to the teachers desk.

"hello Jackson" Jason smiled and placed the case on his desk.

"Jason how many times have I told you at school its Sergeant Mathews" Jason shrugged.

"Come on now with how long you've known my family its so weird to address you like that" The sergeant sighed and looked at the case.

"Speaking of is that-" Jason cut him off.

"Yep Dad and Unlce Trenton finished it yesterday wanted me to show it to you" Jason turned the case around to face the Sergeant and flicked open the case.

"Wow" Jackson stared at the contents it was a Short sword still in its sheath black with golden accents.

"Dad said it was of Chinese design" Jackson picked it up and drew it out of its sheath.

"Ah not often you can see a good sword like this, after firearms were invented Weapons like this became almost obsolete few smiths still crafted them. After we achieved Energy firearms 50 years ago even less still create them soon I fear they wont be made at all" Jackso watched the blade reflect the light from the florescent light of the classroom.

"Well as my father says you can always relie on a good blade" Jackson Chuckled as he put the blade back in the sheath then placed it back in the case.

"Well most people would rather carry a combat knife rather then a sword" Jackson's smile faded slightly he was always a lover of swords how ever he was born in the wrong period.

"Yes most do however i know of one group that uses sword and infiltration when they take down the enemy what was there name again.. ah yes the Reapers" Jackson looked at Jason with suprise.

"How did you learn that" Jason laughed.

"I have my ways Jac-" Jason stopped abruptly staring towards the window.

"Jason whats up" Jackson stood up from his chair then looked out the window behind him the sky had turned red.

"What the hell is going on" No one said a word it was silent all eyes focused on the crimson sky that loomed over them till something fell out of the sky.

"W-what is that a-a metorite" everyone saw it as it rushed to the ground making impact to the city ghe shockwave shook the school building suddenly smaller meteorites started falling from the sky as well.

Thats when all Hell broke lose panic ensued as the students tried to rush out of the room the meteorites impacted all around them the Sergeant tried to calm them to keep order. However it was no use the schools alarm system went off sounding for evacuation.

Devastation Where stories live. Discover now