Chapter one (Devistator)

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--- Three years after the Devastation ---

Jason Sat on the ledge of a ruined building staring down at the streets below. He let out a long sigh as he watched a group of Devistators roam around he got up and looked at the roof he was on half of it had collapsed over the side.

On the others side was a makeshift campsite with a decent sized tent a stool and small table. Laying against the table was Jasons sword and on top of it was a small journal, Jason went and sat in the stool and grabbed the Journal and wrote something down After which he looked though the entrys.

Entry one- This is the third journal I've made now one for each year it seems the current year is 3033. Its been three years since what we survivors call the Devastation happend and the Creatures we called Devistators or Devs arrived.

Entry two- still rarely see groups of large people how many of us still survive I went to visit that settlement I talked about in my last journal however it wasn't in the best shape. They were all dead it looks like the Devs got in I found there leader torn in half , maybe I should have joined them I could have been there maybe I could have saved them.

Entry three- I found another group my hopes were once again dashed perhaps I there really is so few of us in this city everywhere I go that had survivors only now house corpses.

Entry four- I decided to set up multiple camps along roof tops to stay on the move how ever if I ever need to hunker down I do still have that one location

Entry Five- after analyzing the Devs for a few weeks they always seem to travel either alone or up to a group of three. However when they attack survivors and others are near by the other devs will come to the scene to join them.

Jason Shut the journal and went into the tent he grabbed the one stap backpack that was sitting next too the door And a brown leather jacket. He shoved the journal into the backpack then put on his jacket his Gray shirt still poking out around the Neck line. He then put the backpack on the stap going over his Right shoulder and around the lefts side of his torso.

He dusted of his jeans and the arms of his jacket then walked back outside picking up his sword from the side of the table attaching it too his belt then drew the blade Holding it out infront of him and inspecting the blade. Satisfied with it he returned it to the sheath and walked over to the edge of the roof it wasn't a big gap between this building and the next.

He had done this over a hundred times now he gave himself a running start and Jumped to the other side. He had learned parkour from his Military training they told him it was basic training to maneuver terrian and used to get the drop on the enemy.

He was glad to have learned it, it made ot much easier to travel the broken city though he thought it could be easier. As he made his way building by building he made it to one that had a fire escape and climbed down when he made it to the bottom Jason looked around getting his bearings then walked into the main street immediately drawing atttention from a group of Devistators.

There were three of them they slowly spread out trying to surround Jason who sat there hand on the hilt of his sword his eyes darting across the enemies. "No point in waiting" he Lunged towards the one in front of him and drew his sword right before he was within striking distance he bent backwords and went to his knees going into a slide as the Devs arms shot out hoping to pierce him.

Now at a lower position he stopped sliding just behind the Devistator and Used his sword to slash across the back of its Knee. It lost its balance and fell to its injured knee releasing a Howl of Pain, Jason wanted to take another strike however the howl sent the other Devs into a frenzy both charged him. He rolled back as one bladed arm struck the road where he as just at the moment he was back to his knees the second arm struck at him he was barely able to block it in time with his sword knocking him to his back.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2021 ⏰

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