Chapter 1

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Sometimes running away isn't being cowardly or weak but rather finding freedom

That's what I keep telling myself while I'm running towards the only bus stop in town. I'm ready to forget everything and everyone holding me back.

I want to be free.

I don't want to be suffocated in a place I once used to call home. I'm not completely sure where I'm headed but I keep on running. My destination is freedo-

Shit the bus is here.

"Come on aurora put on your tough girl panties" I tell myself.

I walk up to the door with a smile on my face which hopefully is hiding my anxiety. The doors open and I see an old skinny man with grey hair and a pretty cool mustache. "Hi sorry where is this bus going?" I ask the seemingly nice bus driver. "Connecticut" he tells me and my face falls.i was kinda hoping for something like Hawaii but I won't be picky. I think he notices my face fall because his face turns into one with a bored expression painted all over.

Okay not so nice bus driver.

"that's actually exactly where I'm going" I say with a fake smile plastered onto my face. "Okay?" he says still wearing a bored expression. I stand there looking at him for a couple of seconds before he blows out a frustrated breath. "Do you know how a bus works miss? You go through the doors and then sit your pretty little butt on one of the many unoccupied seats."

He thinks I have a pretty butt?

Stop getting distracted Aurora, I scold myself. "Yes, yes of course I'm so sorry" I walk embarrassingly fast towards the first empty seat I see. I look out the windows and see that the sun is rising. Sunrises are always so calming. I absolutely love them. The way all the colors melt into each other, and the dark blue color that covers the sky. It's just so peaceful. It feels like the whole world is on mute and it's just you and the birds. Quiet, beautiful peace.

I feel my eyes begin to flutter. Shit I'm tired. I forgot that I haven't slept tonight. The early morning was the only time that I could escape out of the house without my parents noticing. Slowly I feel myself starting to drift off even though I really don't want to sleep right now.

Daddy always told me girls were better seen and not heard. I suppose that's why he never heard my screams. Never heard my sobs turn into hiccups, never heard me struggle to get air as his hands were wrapped around my throat. I know now he was right; the moonlight illuminates the crimson blood pooling on the cold marble tiles, nobody will ever have to hear me again. "Please daddy, you promised you wouldn't drink on my birthday" said the sad little newly 11-year-old kid. "Shut the fuck up you brat" she kept quiet and thinks to herself, maybe just maybe, daddy will be proud of me today.



"Miss wake up"

I bolt up with wide eyes staring at the bus driver that's right in my face. I slide awkwardly down on the seat to make some distance from his annoyed face. "Why did you wake me up?" I'm kind of happy that he did though. "You were crying in your sleep miss. The other people on the bus complained." Only now do I notice my tear-filled cheeks and I quickly wipe all the wetness away with the last of my pride.

"Uhm how long have I been asleep?" I ask with uncertainty, scared he's going to snap at me. If I thought his face couldn't look more annoyed before than I sure was wrong. "Miss, I don't keep track on every person that goes on this bus. That's not my job" he tells me firmly. don't be fucking rude


Stop getting distracted aurora. "of course, yeah that makes sense." I probably look like a little kid that just got scolded. The bus driver just looks at me like he's waiting for me to say something. "My name is Aurora" I tell him. Maybe he wants to have a conversation.

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